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Table 6.    Useful landmarks of human skin and muscle innervation

SkinMuscles (and stretch reflexes)
C2Occipital region of head  
C5Tip of shoulder
(The top of the shoulder is in the C4 dermatome)
  C5-C6Flexion of elbow (Biceps jerk)
  C7-C8Extension of elbow (Triceps jerk)
C8Little fingerC8-T1Small muscles of hand
Oppose thumb to fingers; hold piece of paper between adjacent fingers
L3Front of kneeL2-L3Quadriceps (Knee jerk)
L5Big toe  
S1Little toe, heelS1-S2Calf muscles (Ankle jerk)
S3 and belowGenitalia and anal area  

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Last updated: January 2003