14 - 21 October
Length: c. 1 - 2 pages (plus
The major essay for the course is due on 25 November or before. Through this proposal, you'll set up a topic for research beyond the readings required for the classwork. You'll use that research to do an essay of 12 pages or less (double spaced, 12-point type) on that topic.
This proposal should be brief, tight, and well argued. It should say what you intend to do; why and how you intend to do it; and must include a preliminary bibliography which suggests the sorts of materials you expect to be using in approaching it. This proposal then becomes the vehicle through which you get my approval to pursue your topic. We may end up negotiating a bit on the topic, and I may have suggestions on some things to read. Remember that this proposal, though worth only 5% of your course mark, will be graded and should be taken seriously. Everyone should get an A, since it's dead simple.