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Biology 284a : Patterns in Life's Diversity -

Course Content, Structure & Resources

ŠPaul Handford 2008

Links to the sections of this page:

Content:  A description of the Primary Themes of this course.   See also the Course Overview page for a "bird's-eye view".

Structure:  The components of the course:  Lectures, Tutorials and Examinations

Resources:  Recommended text and video materials and where to find them.   There are also many useful weblinks here

But before all that, a few words about the overarching principle which informs the whole course:


Background to this assertion:

Nature's diversity has impressed humanity from our earliest days, and its exuberant abundance and remarkable fit to conditions of life have always called for explanation.  In a pre-Darwinian world, the explanations offered were imprecise and, as we would now say, unscientific, often involving various aspects of divine providence - "The Almighty made it that way."

But continuing exploration of the world led to the realization that nature is not only astonishingly diverse and seemingly "well-designed," but also shows other strange characteristics, notably a clear and natural "patterned order" in the levels of resemblance among organisms, and a seemingly irregular distribution of their kinds about the globe (no tigers in South America, no kangaroos in North America, and suchlike.)  And there were abundant and diverse fossils - ancient life, now extinct....... The explanation of all life's manifestations through supernatural agency became more and more unsatisfactory as the facts of the earth itself and & biota and its distribution in space and time accumulated, and it also became clear that a rational explanation of it all required us to avoid the employment of unobservable factors, and to reject the miraculous.

That rational explanation is provided by the deployment of the idea that both the earth itself, and all the life that it supports, have changed, sometimes in profound ways, and that life has diversified dramatically since its simple origins.  This process of change & diversification is called EVOLUTION, and one of its primary engines is NATURAL SELECTION, which leads organisms to become progressively adapted to their conditions of life, as they may change through time.

One of the keys to the development of Darwin's explanatory hypothesis of evolutionary change and diversification was the discovery and deployment of the notion of deep time:  The earth and its contents all had a very long history.  The Earth and its contents did not, after all, spring into existence in some short-term spasm of creation;  rather they developed, through a process called evolution, over an immense time.

Thus, today's organisms descended through myriad generations, slowly and severally spreading across the globe as circumstances permitted, adapting and diversifying as they went.

The triumph of Darwin's conception of an evolving earth & biota lies in its capacity to provide a unified explanation for a dramatically diverse array of facts about the earth and its biota.

It is the only scientific explanation that does this with such power, economy & effectiveness.

We now see earth's biotic diversity as having developed, through the evolutionary diversification of uninterrupted ancestor-descendent lineages, across huge expanses of time - much longer than most could imagine only a century or so ago.  This has all taken place against a backdrop of shifting global geography and chemistry.

The physical world's changes, such as continental drift and climate shifts, are to some extent independent of the biota (though far from completely independent, since the biota impacts on climate, as we now know only too well), providing, as it were, a template upon which the biota is lain;  the biota, however, always responds to earth's physical template, through the process of natural selection.  But to some degree, and often in profound ways, the physical earth and the biosphere interact, and affect one other.


This course is intended to permit students to gain a basic awareness and understanding of:

Although, as indicated above, these patterns are all, at least partly, explained by the process of evolutionary change & diversification, this process does not generate changes that are predictable with any great precision:  biology is not like physics or chemistry;  organisms are not like atoms;  evolution is not like gravity.

Thus, a knowledge of the processes of change & diversification and how they work does not allow us to deduce all of the patterns in which life is deployed about the earth through time & space - much about these patterns is unique and specific to circumstances or, as we say, contingent.

Necessarily, then, much of the content of this course is what you might call "information-intensive":   one can't simply learn about the basic principles and then figure out any particular thing from them, as is possible in much of chemistry and physics.  

This course aims to answer such questions about life as:  what's out there?  what happened?  where are things?  how many are there?  These are EMPIRICAL MATTERS - that is, the answer is just what it happens to be, not what may be deduced from theory.  This means that there is no substitute for simply learning about these things;  once learned, one has a broad base upon which to build a firm understanding of other patterns and processes in the study of life.

Life on Earth is astonishingly diverse, and getting some grasp on that diversity is a formidable task.  To aid us in this struggle, we use frameworks of various sorts, upon which to organise things, and to help us gain some notion of the overall shape of life's manifestations.

Life - earth's organisms - may be displayed along many different axes, or dimensions, all of which provide us with some power in our efforts to see life's big pictures.

The diversity of organisms is generated by the processes of evolution:  Life evolves and diversifies through time and space.  This short sentence suggests the most useful structures upon which to array life's phenomena, the better to comprehend it:

Much of earth's biota is inconspicuous, being physically small and/or living out of our sight, and so, until recently, we have been unconcerned with or unaware of its existence.  But we have eventually come to comprehend that this "unknown biota" is of enormous importance, both to life's processes at large on this planet, and to our own understanding of life - what life is, or can be, and how it evolved.  The functioning of life itself, and a sound science of biology, thus both depend on the very diversity of the organisms themselves.  As Sherlock Holmes observed, if we are to interpret nature, our ideas must be as wide and diverse as nature: yet, with greater specialization and modernization, many biologists have become increasingly estranged from the organisms whose attributes they study in such detail.  It is intended that this course should help redress this imbalance.

Familiarity permits understanding, and with understanding may come humility:  such a progression has led us, by steps, to a better appreciation of our place in the universe.  From the conceit that our earth was the centre of the cosmos, and that we were the pinnacle of creation, we have arrived at the scientific understanding that our planet orbits but a commonplace star, one of 100 billion (10 E+11) in our galaxy alone, and that we, and all the diversity of other life, have evolved by descent from common origins in a far distant past.  Thus, a profound unity underlies this diversity.


Lectures - the sequence of topics

The first lectures consider basic tools for the comprehension of diversity:  recognition of species, the idea of a natural classification, and evolutionary processes & relationships.  The next lectures provide an overview of organismal diversity - the range of form, funtion, and life-style of the organisms themselves.  Next we consider the diverse patterns in which this diversity of organisms is deployed about the planet through time & space, and the factors that generate these patterns.  Finally, we look at the nature and origins of some selected biomes.


The link above takes you to a restricted area;  you will be required to enter a login name and password to reach the index page. 
When you get there, you'll find:

  1. a string of numbered folders each containing html versions of the lectures.  These are quick and easy to load in the browser, so you can see the lecture's content. These versions cover the content well, but they aren't exactly what you'll see in class, since every year I alter things a bit, and these html files are a few years old.
  2. at the bottom of that string is a folder called 284.pdfs.  Click on that and you get downloadable pdf versions of each class as it appeared last year, formatted at 6 slides per page.  These are ideal for printing for use in class, but they might take a while to download.  I often edit the slide shows a little just before we get to them in class, so what we work with in class might be a little different from your printed copy.  But that's fine, since the primary reason for my making the slides available in this way has always been to save some of the labour of scribbling, not to make attendance dispensible.

Below is a list of the lecture titles, broken down by major course themes.
Associated with some of these titles you'll find links
to sites which I either used in setting up the presentation or are of general use in illustration of the material.  I update this periodically:  it's a good idea to check back now and again.

Remember:  these lecture titles just give the topics and their sequence; they do not link to the presentations - you must go via the link above.

Introductory classes       
      Introductory - course nuts & bolts  

Patterns in Organismal Form - the biota, its composition, and its relationships

      Taxonomy and Classification - naming and sorting
      Classification & Phylogeny - how should classifications relate to genealogy?
      Deep Time - the scope of evolutionary time and its major landmarks - an introduction.

Discussion of TIME, and a display of the text's TIME CHARTS is to be found here.  

Such time charts often provide a challenge to students, but please remember:  all we are concerned with in this course is achieving a reasonable knowledge of (a) the relative location of major events in the history of earth's biota - what happened before/after what, and (b) a rough notion of how long ago these events occurred.  By "rough" I mean sufficient precision as to avoid confusion with neighbouring time periods.  

The Time Charts used in this course show numerical time scales that pretty much correspond with what the geologists and paleontologists tell us, but they make no great claim to absolute accuracy or precision, since this is not my aim here.  For Bio 2484a purposes, you may treat the following table as an easy-to-remember, sufficiently-close-to-true guide to the dating of the primary component periods of earth's history.  You will see that most of the Periods of the Phanerozoic eon (where we see the clearest signs of complex life) have a duration of roughly 50 million years - a pretty easy number to remember.  To find the duration of any given period, look at the corresponding number and the one in the row above, e.g. the Jurassic runs from ~200,000,000 years ago to the start of the period above it – the Cretaceous – at ~150,000,000 ago, which roughly equals ~50,000,000 years.  Remember:  these numbers are ROUGH, but close enough to stay out of trouble.

The 3 Eras of the Phanerozoic
are colour-coded below:
Cenozoic (blue), Mesozoic (orange)
& Paleozoic (purple).
10x all the zeros
   Quaternary 2x106 2,000,000
   Tertiary 6.5x107 65,000,000
   Cretaceous 1.5x108 150,000,000
   Jurassic 2.0x108 200,000,000
   Triassic 2.5x108 250,000,000
   Permian 3.0x108 300,000,000
   Carboniferous 3.5x108 350,000,000
   Devonian 4.0x108 400,000,000
   Silurian 4.5x108 450,000,000
   Ordovician 5.0x108 500,000,000
   Cambrian 5.5x108 550,000,000
 PHANEROZOIC eon (all the above) 5.5x108 550,000,000
 PROTEROZOIC eon 2.5x109 2,500,000,000
 ARCHAEAN eon 3.5x109 3,500,000,000
Beginning of Life 3.8x109 3,800,000,000
 HADEAN eon  = Age of the Earth   4.5x109 4,500,000,000
 BIG BANG = Age of the Universe       1.5x1010        15,000,000,000

The Biota

A great site is to be found at Discover Life.  Among the items on the menu on the left, you can click on All Living Things to go to an index of pages carrying images and basic information about various groups of organisms or on Tree of Life to go to a great modern tree.

A more technical, but terrific, comprehensive site dealing with the entirety of life is found at the Tree of Life (ToLWEB) website. 

      Bacteria - the Prokaryotes

For an overview of all Eukaryotes see

      Protoctists - the basal lineages of eukaryotes



 basic plant phylogeny

A terrific though detailed site on plant phylogeny is to be found at:

Other resources:

basic animal phylogeny               

chordate phylogeny

Tetrapod phylogeny

      Patterns in species numbers - the biota's inventory

Patterns in Time & Space

      Patterns in species richness - how many species are where?
      Patterns in time - extinction & biotic change 


      Patterns in biogeography - different lineages live in different places:  
                                                       much of this explained by continental drift,
                                                       illustrated in these reconstructions:

Patterns in Adaptation

      Patterns in global climate - the biota's environmental context
Resource (it's all in german, but it's pretty easy to figure it out):
An absolutely brilliant aid to understanding seasons is at this site.

      Patterns in adaptation - how the biota evolves in response to climate
      Patterns in major ecological assemblages - the world's biomes
This comprehensive site looks at the detail of the relations between world climate and vegetation                    

This great site looks at North American biotic assemblages:

      How North American climate has evolved through time


      Tundra and Taiga

      Grasslands and Deserts
      Tropical Forests

Tutorials – one every two weeks

There are 5 different 2-hr tutorials, each ocurring every second week:  you attend one, then skip a week. 
Choose a section that suits your timetable;  there is rarely any problem in switching sections - just check with the TA.

Tutorials have two main functions:  to clarify, illustrate, and enlarge upon lecture materials, and to provide a forum in which students may ask questions about anything related to the course content.  There may be quizzes (which provide good practice for the exams).

There will be some discussion led by the tutorial-leader, sometimes illustrated by slides and/or video materials.

1)  Life-  why classify it?  how classify it?  dependence of  classification on the characters used, and on our understanding of their meaning;  the meaning and significance of the classification-  its use and usefulness in evolutionary biology.  The basic approach to the division into 5 kingdoms.

2)  The Biota - the main characteristics of the diverse lineages of organisms.

3)  Evolutionary processes which generate many of the big patterns in diversity:  Adaptive Radiation and Evolutionary Convergence.  The interaction between chance, phyletic descent & selection.

4)  Global patterns in Time:  Extinction, Diversification & Biotic turnover through earth's history.

5)  Global patterns in Space:  Biogeography, Climate, Life forms, Biomes.

Course Credit

See the course's WebCT resource


The lecture sequence pretty much follows that of the Bio 2484a Lecture Notes, which is the only REQUIRED TEXT MATERIAL, but the lectures do not simply reiterate these Notes - lectures often have extra material, and sometimes they look at the material from a  different perspective than do the Lecture Notes.

The suggested supplementary text Cox & Moore - Biogeography  (Call no. - QH84.C65 1993), provides useful further detail for part of this course.

I have also placed course copies of two other useful books on 1 day loan.  One concerns biogeography, and is an alternative to C&M - Patterns of Life - by Mielke;  the other concerns the diversity of organisms - Five Kingdoms by Margulis & Schwartz (there are also copies of this book in the bookstore).  The library has its own copies of both of these texts, and their call nos. are:  Mielke - QH84.M54 1989;  Margulis & Schwartz - QH83.M36 1988

Finally, there are video resources which should be useful:  first, the library has a set of six VHS videos looking at the five kingdoms, filed under QH315.3.VC  1990, tapes 1- 6.  Then the course has copies of two different video sets produced by David Attenborough and the BBC.

The 2 VHS video sets produced by David Attenborough are not in the library, rather, they may be signed-out from me directly in COLLIP Rm. 111.

Life on Earth comprises two 2-hour tapes, which look at organismal diversity, taking an evolutionary history/complexity approach.  They show excellent footage of many organisms which you are unlikely to see easily elsewhere.  Here is an index to the contents of these two tapes;  it is the same index that is shown on the video itself, and the section numbers (further broken down into subsections) are shown in the corner of the screen for easy location of particular segments:

Life on Earth : Tape 1
 1.  Intro.;  Darwin's discovery;  Beginning of life;  First complex cells;  Cell colonies, Jellyfish, Corals. 2.  Flatworms;  Molluscs;  Echinoderms;  Crustacea. 3.  First plants;  Millipedes, arachnids, insects;  Conifers;  Insect flight. 4.  Insects;  First flowers & pollination;  various insects. 5.  Fish origins;  Sharks & rays;  Bony fish. 6.  Origins of tetrapods;  Amphibians.

Life on Earth : Tape 2
 7.   Reptiles 8.   Feathers, birds & flight. 9.   Marsupial and  Placental mammals. 10.  Insectivores to whales. 11.  Ungulates & predators in E. Africa 12.  Primates 13.  Human evolution.

The other set of videos is Attenborough's The Living Planet, and it deals with the major ecological divisions of life on earth - more or less the biomes which we shall be discussing in class.  There are twelve 50-min. tapes in the whole set, though they are not all directly relevant.  Below is a list showing the subject matter of each tape, and an asterisk (*) indicates those tapes of direct importance to this course.

The Living Planet Series.
1. Earth process. 2. *Tundra. 3. *Boreal forests. 4. *Tropical forests. 5 *Grasslands. 6. *Deserts.
7. Air. 8. *Freshwater. 9. *Shores. 10. Islands. 11. *Oceans. 12. Humans.


ŠPaul Handford 1998, 2009
Last updated: 2010