CHEM 4444a “Computer Simulations in Chemistry” Fall 2009

Dr. Styliani Constas, Room 071-Chemistry Building, ext. 86338
Lecture times
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 12:30-1:30 pm, Room 115-Chemistry Building
Office hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 11:30-12:30 pm or by appointment.
In the website notes of the course will be posted.
Course Textbook
``Physical Chemistry: Statistical Mechanics'' by Horia Metiu. This textbook can be found in the University Bookstore. (optional)
Other helpful textbooks are: “Introduction to Statistical Mechanics” by T. Hill;
“Statistical Mechanics” by D. McQuarrie;
“Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Elementary Methods” by J.M. Haile.
All books are on reserve in the library. The primary material of the course consists of: references to parallel material in various books available in the library which will be made during the course, your lecture notes, material distributed in the class and your work on the assignments.
General description
Methods of Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo based on the theory of Statistical Mechanics can be used to study equilibrium properties in all states of matter. In the course, the basic theory of statistical mechanics will be presented with applications in computer simulations. The objective of the course is to develop to the students a critical understanding of the simulation techniques. This goal will be achieved by presenting both the basic theory of statistical mechanics as well as the algorithms involved in the simulations. The expectation of the course is that the students will be able to use simulation codes with the understanding of the methods and control the simulations.
Course Evaluation
6-7 assignments (20% of the final mark); Mid-term (35% ); Final (45% of the final mark).
Midterm Exam
Two hour exam. Approximately one day between Monday, October 19 to October 23rd, 2009.
Final Exam
To be decided by the Registrar’s Office. The final exam will be cumulative, with emphasis on the material that was not examined in the midterm exam.

Notice from the Registrar

Unless you have either the prerequisites for this course or written special permission from your Dean to enroll in it, you will be removed from this course and it will be deleted from your record. This decision may not be appealed. You will receive no adjustment to your fees in the event that you are dropped from a course for failing to have the necessary prerequisites, which are CHEM 3374A/B, CHEM 3384F/G or the former Chemistry 354 a/b. Antirequisites are the former Chemistry 464a/b.

Absences, Code of Conduct

Course material
