'^' means 'to the power of'

pi - 3.14159; e = 2.718228; Surface area of a sphere - 4piR^2
1 micron (micrometre) = 10^-6 metres; millimicron = 10^-9 metres = 1 nanometre
1 gram = 10^-3 kg; = 10^-6 megagrams (tonnes); 10^-9 gigagrams; = 10^-12 teragrams (Tgrams); = (femto);= (atto).
1 gram = 10^3 milligrams; = 10^6 micrograms; = 10^9 nanograms; = 10^12 picograms
1 kg = 10^3 grams; = 10^-3 tons; = 10^-9 Tgrams
1 kg = 10^6 milligrams = 10^9 micrograms = 10^12 nanograms = 10^15 picograms
1 litre = 10^3 millilitres (ccs) = 10x10x10 decametres = 10^-12 km^3 (1 km^3 = 10^12 litres)
1 short ton =.907184 tonnes; 1 long ton = 1.0160469 tonnes
1 ppm = 1 kg / 10^6 kg or 1 gram / 10^6 grams, etc.; = 1 mgram/kg.

Atomic mass, major elements: Si - 28.09; Ti - 47.88; Al - 26.98; Fe - 55.85; Mg - 24.31; Ca - 40.08; Na - 22.99; K - 39.1; P - 30.97;
oxygen - 16; Cl - 35.45; carbon - 12.01; S - 32.07
Concentration - micromoles/litre = 10^-6 moles/litre = 10^-9 moles/millilitre
(Mass concentration = Atomic mass x micromoles/litre x 10^-9 kg/kg;
e.g. Ca, 558000 x 35.45 x 10^-9 = 0.0198 kg/kg)
Concentration - millimoles/litre = 10^-3 moles/litre = 10^-6 moles per millilitre
(Mass concentration, e.g. Mg, = 54 x 24 x 10^-6 = .00129 kg/kg)

Equatorial radius                                                                                                                                6,378.137 km
Polar radius                                                                                                                                        6,356.752 km
Equivolume sphere radius                                                                                                                   6,371 km (4 pi R^2)
Surface area of the earth                                                                                                                    5.1 x 10^8 km^2
Circumference                                                                                                                                   40,030 km (2 pi R)
Mass, M                                                                                                                                           5.97369 x 10^24 kg
Mean Density                                                                                                                                    5.5148 x 10^3 kg / m^3
Density of continental crust                                                                                                                2.7500 x 10^3 kg / m^3
Gravity at equator                                                                                                                              9.7803267 m / s^2
Gravity at poles                                                                                                                                  9.832186 m / s^2
Mean land elevation                                                                                                                           825 m
Mean ocean dept                                                                                                                               3,770 m
Depth of ridge crests below sea level                                                                                                  2,500 m
Area of oceans excluding continental margins                                                                                      3.1 x 10^8 km^2
Land area of continental crust                                                                                                             1.48 x 10^8 km^2
Continental crust plus continental margins                                                                                            2 x 10^8 km^2
Average thickness of continental crust                                                                                                 38 km
Average thickness of oceanic crust                                                                                                      6 km
Volume of continental crust                                                                                                                 7.6 x 10^9 km^3
Volume of continental sediments on ocean floors                                                                                 1.6 x 10^8 km^3
Age of the Earth                                                                                                                                 4.5 Ma
Total length of active ocean ridges                                                                                                      56,000 km
Average rate of prod, oceanic crust (Mes. - Cen.)                                                                              25 km^3 /yr
Present day production of oceanic crust                                                                                              17 km^3 /yr
Ave product / km of ridge length (Mes. - Cen.)                                                                                   450 km^3 /km /Ma
Total length of destructive margins                                                                                                       37,000 km
Average velocity of subduction                                                                                                            80 km /Ma
Ave subduction rate / km of margin (Mes. - Cen.)                                                                               675 km^3 /km /Ma
Volume of rain water entering the oceans from rivers                                                                           4 x 10^16 kg (= 4 x 10^4 km^3)
Calculated surface of oceans at 71% of 5.1 x 10^8:                                                                             3.62 x 10^8 km^2
Calculated volume of the oceans if depth is                                                                                           3.73 1.354 x 10^9 km^3
Calculated surface of the continents at 29%:                                                                                         1.479 x 10^8 km^2

Sources: Pinet, P.R. 1992. Oceanography. West Publishing Co.,

p. 152, Water Reservoirs (in units of 10^6 km^3)
Volume %
Oceans 1370 97.25
Ice masses 29 2.05
Groundwater 9.5 0.68
Lakes 0.125 0.01
Atmosphere 0.013 0.001
Rivers 0.0017 0.0001
Biosphere 0.0006 0.00004
p. 154, Water Fluxes, (in km^3/yr)
Precip on land 110300
Evap from land 72900
Water entering rivers 37400 (c. 4 x 10^4 km^3/yr) (4 x 10^16 kg)
Precip on oceans 385700
Evap from oceans 423100
Total precip 496000
Total evap 496000

Salt Surface area of the Earth = 4piR^2 = (4 x 3.1416 x (6378)^2) km^2 = 5.1119 x 10^8 km^2
Continental area = 4piR^2 x 0.29 = (4 x 3.1416 x (6378)^2) km^2 x 0.29 = 1.4824 x 10^8 km^2
Ocean area = 4piR^2 x 0.71 = (4 x 3.1416 x (6378)^2) km^2 x 0.71 = 3.6294 x 10^8 km^2
Ratio of oceanic area to continental area = 2.4483
1 m = 100 cm; 1 km = 1000 m;
1 L(iter)= 1000 cm^3 = 1 dm3 1 km^3 = 109 m3 = 1012 dm^3 (litres) = 10^12 kg (SG = 1)
Ocean vol. = 4piR2 x depth x %ocean surface = 4 x 3.1416 x (6378)^2 x 3.73 x 0.71 = 1.354x10^9 km^3. (S x 4 x 0.71 km^3 = S x 2.8 km^3)
SG of seawater is 1.0265 at 5 degC and salinity of 35, and therefore mass of sea water =
1.354x 10^9 x 1.0265 x 10^12 kg = 1.39 x 10^9 x 10^12 kg = 1.39 x 10^21 kg
(S x 4 x 0.71 x 1 x 10^12 kg = S x 2.8 x 10^12)
Salt (all principal ions) content of sea water is .035 kg/kg of seawater)
therefore total mass of salt is .035 x 1.39 x 10^21 kg = 4.86 x 10^19 kg
(S x 4 x 0.71 x 1 x 10^12 x .035 kg = S x 0.1 x 10^12)
and since SG of salt is c. 2.17
the total volume of salt = 4.86 x 10^19 x 1 x 10^-12 / 2.17 = 2.224 x 10^7 km^3

(S x 4 x 0.71 x 1 x .035 / 2 km^3 = S x 0.05 x 1012)
If all the salt in the oceans were spread over only the continents, its thickness would be:
(2.224 x 10^7) km^3 / (1.4824 x 10^8) km^2 = 151 m.

Calculated another way using approximations, where S is the surface area of the Earth, the salt thickness would be:
(Surface area of the Earth x oceanic prop x depth of oceans x salt conc. x SG of sea water x SG salt) / (Surface area of the Earth x continent proportion) = (S x 0.71 x 4 x 1 x 0.035 / 2) / (S x 0.29) km = 0.05 / 0.3 = c. 0.165 km = 165 metres.
The calculated thickness is similar to the estimate of 500 feet (170 m) of Swensen
(If the salt in the sea could be removed and spread evenly over the Earth's land surface it would form a layer more than 500 feet thick, salty.ref)
If the salt were spread over the whole of the Earth, its thickness would be :
(2.224 x 10^7 / 5.10101 x 10^8 x 1000) metres = 44 metres
The thickness in the oceans only would be 2.224 x 10^7 km^3 / 3.63 x 10^8 x 1000 metres = 61 metres

Sources: Data extracted from Open University Publications:

The Ocean Basins, p. 26

Lithsphere is 250 km thick under the continents.
Lithosphere is 100 km thick under the oceans.

The Ocean Basins, p.27

Maximum height -            8.5 km
Average height -              0.8 km
Averge depth of sea -     3.7 km
Maximum depth -             11.04
21% of earth's surface lies between sea level and 1 km
23.2% lies between 4 - 5 km depth

The Ocean Basins, p. 28

                                                                                    Pacific               Atlantic               Indian               World         Mediter.
Oceanic area 10^6,                                                     180                     107                     74                     361             2.5
Land area drained 10^6                                               19                        69                     13                     101
Ocean/drainage area                                                      9.5                       1.6                    5.7                      3.6
Average depth, km                                                        3.94                     3.31                  3.84                    3.73         1.5
Ave volume                                                                                                     1.346x10^9 km^3
                                                                                                                        = 1.345x10^21 litres
Ave mass (Vol x 1.0265)                                                                                 1.382x10^21 kg
Area as % of total:
Mid-ocean ridges, %                                                  35.9                     31.2                     30.2                 32.7
Trenches, %                                                                 2.9                         .7                         .3                  1.7
Shelf and slope, %                                                      13.1                     19.4                       9.1                 15.3
Rise, %                                                                         2.7                       8.5                       5.7                  5.3
Abyssal deeps, %                                                       42.9                     38.1                      49.3                41.9
Volcanic edifices, % 2.5 2.1 5.4 3.1


Surface area -                                                                              2.5 10^ km^2
Average depth                                                                              1.5 km
Volume                                                                                        3.75 x 10^6 km^3
Amount of salt                                                                              3.75 x 10^6 x 10^12 x .035 = 1.3 x 10^17 kg
Area of the floor of the Meditteranean -                                        2 x 10^6 km^2
Equivalent thicknes of salt -                                                          32.8 m
Thickness of salt in the Miocene Messinian deposits -                   1 km
Loss of water from the Mediterranean by evaporation -                4.7 x 10^3 km^3
Precipitation in the Med. -                                                            1.2 x 10^3 km^3
Rivers contribute to the Med -                                                      0.25x10^3 km^3
Net loss through precipitation -                                                     3.25 x 10^3 km^3, made up by addition of Atlantic water.
Time to dry up if no replacement =                                                1.15 x 10^3 years

The Ocean Basins, p. 100 - Hydrothermal/normal sea water compositions:

Hydrothermal vent solution at c. 350C at 21N on the East Pacific Rise, ppm by weight;

pH of the vent solution is 4.0 whereas normal seawater is about 8.

If 1.7 x 10^14 kg of seawater circulates through th oceanic crust each year and if it picks up 460 ppm (460 ppm = 4.60 x 10^-4 kg / kg) then 7.8 x 10^10 kg of Ca is added to the seas, compared with 5 x 10^11 kg introduced from rivers.

                                      vent,                                                                       seawater,
                                      ppm                                                                          ppm
Cl                                17300 = 0.0173 kg/kg                                        19500 = 0.0195 kg/kg
Na                                9931 = 0.0099 kg/kg                                         10500 = 0.0105 kg/kg
Mg                                  -                                                                      1290 = 0.00129 kg/kg
SO42-                                     -                                                                       905
H2S                             210                                                                        -
Ca                                860                                                                     400
K                                 975                                                                     380
Sr                                    8                                                                      8
Si                                600                                                                       3
Ba                                   5-13                                                                 2x10^-2
Zn                                   7                                                                      5x10^-3
Mn                                33                                                                      1x10^-4
Fe                                101                                                                     2x10^-4

Ocean Chemistry, p. 6

Sediments                                                             Atlantic                                Pacific                         Indian                           World
Calcareous ooze                                                     65.1                                     36.2                             54.3                             47.1
Pteropod ooze                                                         2.4                                        0.1                                -                                 0.6
Diatom ooze                                                            6.7                                     10.1                             19.9                             11.6
Radiolarian ooze                                                        -                                         4.6                                 .5                                2.6
Pelagic clay                                                           25.8                                      49.0                             25.3                              38.1
% size of ocean                                                      23                                        53.4                             23.6                            100

Ocean Chemistry, p.15

Ratio of illite to quartz = 4, except South Pacific = 7
Illite:                         N Atlantic 60;             S. Atlantic 50;             North Pacific 40;             Indian 35;             S. Pacific 28

Ocean Chemistry, p.18

                                                                                Concentration                                                 Total Amount
                                                                                in the oceans                                                   in the oceans
                                                                                ppm                                                                   tonnes (1 tonne = 10^3 kg)
Cl                                                                             1.95x10^4                                                        2.57x10^16 kg                                                   Cl-
(Cl                                                                            0.0195 kg/kg                                                    2.57x10^19 kg (1.95x10^-2 x 1.32 x10^21))
Na                                                                            1.077x10^4                                                      1.42x10^16 kg                                                   Na+
Mg                                                                           0.129     "                                                          0.71      "                                                            Mg2+
Ca                                                                            0.0412   "                                                          0.0545 "                                                             Ca2+
K                                                                             0.038     "                                                           0.0502 "                                                             K+
S                                                                              0.0905  "                                                            0.12     "                                                            SO42- (= 2.7 ppm )
Br                                                                             67                                                                     8.86x10^13                                                        Br-
(Br                                                                            67x10^-6 kg/kg                                                8.86x10^16 kg)
C                                                                              28                                                                     3.7 HCO3-,                                                       CO32-, CO2
N                                                                              11.5                                                                 1.5                                                                      N2, NO3-, NH4+
Sr                                                                             8                                                                      1 .06
O                                                                              6                                                                      7.93x10^12
B                                                                               4.4                                                                   5.82
Si                                                                              2                                                                      2.64
P                                                                              6x10^-2                                                          7.93x10^10                                                       HPO42-, PO43-, H2PO4-
(P                                                                              6x10^-8 kg/kg                                                7.93x10^13)
Ti                                                                              1x10^-3                                                          1.32x10^9                                                        Ti(OH)4
Al                                                                             4x10^-4                                                          5.29x10^8                                                        Al(OH)4-
(Al                                                                            4x10^-10 kg/kg                                              5.29x10^11 kg)
Mn                                                                           1x10^-4 1.32x10^11 kg                                (1x10^-10 x 1.32 x10^21)                                 Mn2+, MnCl+
Cu                                                                            1                                                                     1.32
Fe                                                                             5.5x10^-5                                                       7.26x10^7
Zr                                                                             3                                                                      3.97
Nb                                                                            1                                                                     1.32
Be                                                                             5.6 x10^-6                                                      7.4 x10^6
Au                                                                            4         "                                                           5.29                                                                 AuCl2-
La                                                                            3          "                                                           3.97                                                                 La(OH)3
Nd                                                                           3          "                                                           3.97
Pb                                                                            2          "                                                           2.64
Ce                                                                            1          "                                                          1.32
Y                                                                              1.3       "                                                          1.73
Yb                                                                           8x10^-7                                                           1.06
Sm                                                                           5x10^-8                                                           6.61x10^4
Eu                                                                            1                                                                      1.32

Seawater, p. 30

Ave % of 10 most abundant elements in the Earths crust, wt %, compared with seawater, kg/kg or kg/litre):

Element                         Crust                          in seawater                                % in solution

Si                                    28.2
Al                                     8.2
Fe                                    5.6
Ca                                    4.2                           0.000412 kg/kg                             1.7
Na                                    2.4                           0.01076                                      74.7
K                                      2.1                           0.000387                                      3.1
Mg                                   2.3                            0.001294
Ti                                     0.6
Mn                                   0.1
P                                      0.1


Sources: Pinet, P.R. 1992. Oceanography. West Publishing Co., p. 134

Dissolved substance in river water
                            ppm                                                kg/kg                                      %
Bicarbonate        58.8                                        5.88 x10^-5 kg/kg                          48.7
Ca2+                 15                                           1.50 x10^-5 kg/kg                          12.4
SiO2                  13.1                                        1.31 x10^-5 kg/kg                          10.8
SO42-                 1.2                                        1.20 x10^-6 kg/kg                            9.3
Cl                        7.8                                        7.80 x10^-6 kg/kg                           6.5
Na+                     6.3                                        6.30 x10^-6 kg/kg                           5.2
Mg2+                   4.1                                        4.10 x10^-6 kg/kg                           3.4
K+                       2.3                                        2.30 x10^-6 kg/kg                           1.9
NO3-                   1.0                                        1.00 x10^-6 kg/kg                           0.8
(Fe,Al)2O3           0.9                                        9.00 x10^-7 kg/kg                           0.8
Remainder             0.3                                       3.00 x10^-7 kg/kg                            0.3
Total per year delivered to oceans = c. 4 billion tonnes (10^-4 kg/kg x 4 x 10^16 kg)

Photic zone rarely extend below 200m of the ocean
3/4 of organic matter in sinking particles that leave the photic zone are decomposed and recycled in the upper 500-1000 m of
the water column. At the compensation depth the oxygen produced by phytoplankton during photosynthesis equals the amount
they consume in respiration over a 24 hour period.


Sources: The following tables are from Berner, E.K. and Berner, R.A., 1987,The Global Water Cycle, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

TABLE 8.3 Replacement Time with Respect to River Addition, Tau(r), for Some Major and Minor Dissolved Species in Seawater.

Concentration - micromoles/litre = 10^-6 moles/litre = 10^-9 moles/millilitre
(Mass concentration = Atomic mass x micromoles/litre x 10^-9 kg/kg;
e.g. 558000 x 35.45 x 10^-9 = 0.0198 kg/kg)

Component                                             River                                                 Seawater                                             Tau(r) (1000 yr)
Cl-                                                               230                                                558,000 (= 0.0198 kg/kg)                     87,000
Na-                                                             315                                                 479,000                                                55,000
Mg--                                                           150                                                 54,300                                                  13,000
S04--                                                          120                                                 28,900                                                    8,700
Ca++                                                          367                                                 10,500                                                     1,000
K+                                                                36                                                 10,400                                                   10,000
HCO3-                                                       870                                                   2,000                                                          83
H4SIO4                                                      170                                                      100                                                          21
NO-3                                                            10                                                        20                                                          72
Orthoph-                                                         0.7                                                       1                                                           50

Sources: Based on Tables 8.1 and 8.2 and data of Meybeck 1979, 1982 for world average river water.

Tau(r) = ([SW]/[RW])Tau(w), where Tau(w) = replacement (residence) time of H2O = 36,000 yr;
W = river water; SW = seawater, and concentration in micromoles per litre = VtM.

TABLE 8.4 Major Processes of Organic Matter Decomposition in Marine Sediments.

Reactions succeed one another in the order written as each oxidant is completely consumed
Oxygenation (oxic)

CH2O + O2 = CO2 + H2O
Nitrate reduction (mainly anoxic)
5CH2O + 4NO3- = 2N2 + CO2 + 4HCO3- + 3H2O
Manganese oxide reduction (mainly anoxic)
CH2O + 2MnO2 + 3CO2+ H2O = 2Mn++ + 4HCO3-
Ferric oxide (hydroxide) reduction (anoxic)
H2O + 4Fe(OH)3 + 7CO2 = 4Fe++ + 8HCO3- + 3H2O
Sulfate reduction (anoxic)
2CH2O + SO4- - = H2S + 2HCO3-
Methane formation (anoxic)
2CH2O = CH4 + CO2
Note: Organic matter schematically represented as CH2O.

TABLE 8.7 Concentration Changes of Some Major Seawater Constituents Upon Reacting with Basalt at High Temperatures

Concentration (a mM = a millimoles/litre = a x 10^-3 moles/litre = a x 10^-6 moles per millilitre, and e.g. concentration in
kg/kg of Mg = 54 x 24 x 10^-6 = .00129 kg/kg)

Constituent                                             Seawater                               Galapagos                               Delta (mM)

Mg++                                                       54                                            0                                             - 54
Ca++                                                        10                                           35                                              25
K+                                                            10                                           19                                                9
SO4--                                                       29                                             0                                            - 29
H4SiO4                                                      0.1                                     ~20                                              ~20
Delta Ca++  - Delta S04--                         -                                            -                                                   54
Note: mM = ~millimoles per liter. Sources: data are for the Galapagos spreading center at 350C and are taken from the extrapolation of
Edmond et al. (1979).
Delta = concentration difference between 350' C ~Galapagos water and ~seawater.
Delta Ca++ - Delta S04-- = total Ca++ released to solution.

TABLE 8.9 Change in Concentration in Interstitial Water for Various Ions versus

Depth in a Sediment from the Brazil Basin, South Atlantic Ocean (Station CH 1 1 ~5-DD)

Sediment                               Concen                                Change - Pore Water Overlying Seawater (mM)
Depth                                    -tration
(cm)                                         pH                     DNa+              DMg++           DCa++         DK+            DHCO3-         DS04--

0                                               7.4                       0.00                0.00                 0.00               0.00                0.00                0.00
5                                               7.5                       0.07               -0.04                 0.17             -0.05                0.19                0.05
15                                            7.3                        0.09               -0.35                 0.45             -0.11                0.25                0.04
30                                            7.5                        0.46               -0.42                 0.50             -0.08                0.34                0.06
60                                            7.5                        0.45               -0.58                 0.76             -0.11                0.68                0.06
100                                          7.2                        0.56               -0.78                 0.97              -0.16               0.82               -0.01
195                                          7.4                         0.95              -1.09                 1.18              -0.26               1.12               -0.13

Sources: Adapted from F. L. Sayles. "The Composition and Diagenesis of Interstitial Solutions. 1. Fluxes Across the
Seawater-Sediment Interface in the Atlantic Ocean,". Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 43. p. 532. Copyright 1979
by Pergamon Press, reprinted by permission of the publisher. Note: Negative Delta values refer to uptake by the sediment
(loss from pore water). mM = millimoles per litre; = 10^-3 moles per litre.

TABLE 8.12 Rates of Addition via Rivers of Major Elements to the Ocean (as Dissolved Species) and Rates of Net Loss from the Ocean by Transfer of Sea Salt to the Continents via the Atmosphere

                             Rate of Addition                    Rate of Net Sea Salt Loss
Species               from Rivers, (Tg/yr)               to Atmosphere (Tg/yr)
Cl-                                308                                                    40
Na+                             269                                                     21
S04- - -S                 143                                                       4
Mg++                         137                                                       3
K+                                52                                                       1
Ca++                          550                                                       0.5
HCO3-                     1980                                                       --
H4SiO4-Si                 180                                                        --
Sources: River-water data from Meybeck 1979; cyclic salt data from Chapter 5 of Berner and Berner 1987. Note: Tg = 1012 g.
 Based on river water input of 37,400 km3/yr; includes pollution.

TABLE 8.13 The Oceanic Chloride Budget (Rates in Tg/yr)

Present-Day Budget

                                                    Inputs                                                                                                           Outputs
Rivers (natural)                              215                                                                    Net sea-air transfer                 40
Rivers (pollution)                             93                                                                     Pore-water burial                   17
Total 308 Total 57
Long-Term (Balanced) Budget
                                                   Inputs                                                                                                             Outputs
Rivers                                           215                                                                    NaCl evaporative
                                                                                                                               deposition                              166
                                                                                                                               Net sea-air transfer                  40
                                                                                                                               Pore-water burial                       9
                                                                                                                               Total                                      215
Note: Tg = 1011 g. Replacement time for Cl- is 87 million years.

TABLE 8.14 The Oceanic Sodium Budget (Rates in Tg/yr)

Present-Day Budget

                                                     Inputs                                                                                                           Outputs
Rivers (natural)                               193                                                                     Cation exchange                        42
Rivers (pollution)                              76                                                                      Net sea-air transfer                   21
                                                                                                                                  Pore-water burial                     11
Total                                              269                                                                      Total                                        74
Long-Term Budget
                                                     Inputs                                                                                                            Outputs
Rivers                                             193                                                                     NaCl deposition 108
                                                                                                                                    Net sea-air transfer                21
                                                                                                                                    Cation exchange                    21
                                                                                                                                    Pore-water burial                     6
                                                                                                                                    Reaction                                 37
                                                                                                                                    Total                                     193

Note: Tg = 1012 g. Replacement time for Na+ is 55 million years. TABLE 8.16 The Oceanic Magnesium Budget (Rates in Tg/yr)

(Balanced) Budget for Past 100 Million Years
                                                    Inputs                                                                                                                  Outputs
Rivers                                          137                                                                     Volcanic-seawater
                                                                                                                                 reaction                                      119
                                                                                                                                 In biogenic CaCO3                    15
                                                                                                                                 Net sea-air transfer                      3
                                                                                                                                Total                                           137
Note: Tg = 1012 g. Replacement time for Mg++ is 13 million years.

TABLE 8.17 The Oceanic Potassium Budget (Rates in Tg/yr)

Long-Term (Balanced) Budget

                                                    Inputs                                                                                                               Outputs

Rivers                                            52                                                                  Fixation on clay
                                                                                                                            near river mouths                           4

Volcanic-seawater                                                                                                Sea-air transfer                              1
 reaction (high-
temperature                                   30
Total                                             82                                                                    Low-temperature volcanic-
                                                                                                                             seawater reaction or
                                                                                                                             slow fixation in deep
                                                                                                                             sea or reverse weathering              77
                                                                                                                             Total                                             82
Note: Tg = 1012 g. Replacement time for K+ is 10 million years.

TABLE 8.18 The Oceanic Calcium Budget (Rates in Tg/yr)

Present-Day Budget
                                                      Inputs                                                                                                              Outputs
Rivers                                             550                                                                CaCO3 deposition:
Volcanic-seawater                                                                                                Shallow water                               520
reaction                                          191                                                                Deep sea                                       440
Cation exchange                               37
Total 778                                                                                                              Total                                             960
Budget for Past 25 Million Years
                                                        Inputs                                                                                                               Outputs
Rivers                                             550                                                                CaCO3 deposition:
Volcanic-seawater                                                                                                 Shallow water                              240
reaction                                          191                                                                 Deep sea                                      440
Cation exchange                               19                                                                 Evaporitic CaSO4
                                                                                                                             deposition                                     49
Total                                              760                                                                 Total                                             729
Note: Tg = 1012 g. Replacement time (rivers only) for Ca is 1 million years.

TABLE 8.19 The Oceanic Bicarbonate Budget (Rates in Tg/yr)

Present-Day Budget
                                                       Inputs                                                                                                               Outputs
Rivers                                             1980                                                             CaCO3 deposition:
Biogenic pyrite                                                                                                  Shallow water                                 1580
formation                                         145                                                           Deep sea                                         1340

Total                                               2125                                                          Total                                               2920

Budget for Past 25 Million Years
                                                     Inputs                                                                                                               Outputs
Rivers                                           1980                                                           CaCO3 deposition:
Biogenic pyrite                                                                                                  Shallow water                                   730
formation                                       145                                                             Deep sea                                         1340

Total                                             2125                                                            Total                                               2070
Note: Tg =1012 g. Replacement time for HCO3- (river input only) is 83,000 years.

TABLE 8.20 The Oceanic Silica Budget (Rates in Tg/yr).

Present-Day Budget
                                                    Inputs                                                                                                              Outputs
Rivers                                           180                                                              Biogenic silica deposition
Basalt-seawater                                                                                              Antarctic Ocean                               117
reaction                                          30                                                            Bering Sea                                          13
Total                                             210                                                            North Pacific Ocean                             7
                                                                                                                       Sea of Okhotsk                                    7
                                                                                                                       Gulf of California                                  5
                                                                                                                       Walvis Bay                                           3
                                                                                                                       Estuaries                                             38
                                                                                                                       Other areas                                       <13
                                                                                                                       Total                                                  190~-203
Source: Outputs from DeMaster 1981.
Notes: Tg = 1012g. To convert to Tg of SiO2, multiply by 2.14. The replacement time for riverborne H4SIO4 is 21,000 years. The removal value for estuaries may be a maximum.

TABLE 8.21 The Oceanic Phosphorus Budget (Rates in Tg/yr)

Present-Day Budget
                                                 Inputs                                                                                                                Outputs
Rivers:                                                                                                          Organic P burial                                2.0
Natural dissolved P                                                                                       CaCO, deposition                             0.7
(organic plus ~ortho-P)              1.0
Dissolved P from                                                                                          Adsorption on volcano-
pollution                                     1.0                                                             genic Fe oxides                                  0.11
Particulate reactive P                                                                                    Phosphorite formation                      <0.11
(mostly pollution)                       2.0
Rain (plus dry                                                                                               Fish debris deposition                      <0.02
fallout)                                      0.2
Total                                        4.2                                                                Total                                                 2.8-2.9

Long-Term (Balanced) Budget
                                                Inputs                                                                                                                Outputs
Dissolved ortho-P                 0.4                                                                   Organic P burial                             0.5
Dissolved organic P               0.6                                                                   CaCO3 deposition                        0.5
                                                                                                                     Adsorption on volcano-
Particulate reactive P             0.1                                                                    genic Fe oxides                             0.1
Rain (plus dry fallout)            0.1                                                                     Phosphorite formation                   0.1
Total                                    1.2                                                                     Total                                             1.2
Source:River input data from Meybeck 1982; data from Froelich et al. 1982.
Note: Tg = 1012 g. The replacement time for phosphorus via river addition (of dissolved orthophosphate only) is 50,000 years.

TABLE 8.22 The Oceanic Nitrogen Budget (Rates in Tg/yr)

Present-Day Budget
                                               Inputs                                                                                                               Outputs
Rivers:                                                                                                         Organic N burial in
                                                                                                                    sediments                                        14
Natural dissolved                                                                                         De-nitrification                                  40 - 120
inorganic N (88% as                                                                                    Total                                                54 - 134
NO3- -N)                                 4.5
Natural dissolved
organic N                                 10
Pollutive dissolved N                  7
Particulate organic N                21
Rain and dry deposition            20
Fixation of N2                         10-90
Total                                        73-153
Note: Tg = 1012g. The replacement time for NO3- added by rivers is 72,000 years.