Since the 1950s, an extensive list of textbook resources has emerged. The following are some examples of
Vocal and Instrumental Textbooks that have been developed and utilized in Ontario since the mid twentieth century. The following list is not complete, but attempts to provide the reader with a sample of what exists in terms of music texts, both past and present. The list is divided into Vocal Textbooks and Instrumental Textbooks simply because over the years, writers of music textbooks have treated both areas separately. Also, proper bibliographic form has not been employed throughout the list merely because many textbooks are part of a series, and form a certain volume within that series. Therefore, in the following list all series and volumes have been grouped together.   


Birkenshaw, Lois and Joan Clark.
Musictime: A Canadian Music Program for Grade 4-6.  Toronto: GLC Silver Burdett. 1986

Bray, Kenneth, Snell, Bruce and Ralph M. Peters.
For Young Musicians Volume 2. Waterloo:  Waterloo Music Company Limited. 1967.

Brook, Penny Louise.
MusiCanada 1-8 Series. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart & Winston of Canada  Ltd. 1982.

Colby, Dulcie, Harrison & Carol Kerr.
Canada Is...Series 1-8. Tornto: Gordon V. Thompson  Music. 1980.

De Frece, Robert.
Canada: Its Music. Toronto: Canadian Cataloguing Publication. 1980.

Johnston, Richard.
Songs for Today: Kindergarten and Primary Grades: Volumes 1-6.  Waterloo: Waterloo Music Company Ltd. 1970.

Kuzmich, Natalie,
Musical Growth: A Process of Involvement. Toronto: Canada Publication  Company. 1986.

Russell, Vera.
Songtime: Teacher Edition. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart & Winston of Canada Ltd.  1968.

Russell, Vera.
Teaching Music in Canadian Schools. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart & Winston of  Canada Ltd.  1968.


Accent on Achievement, O'Reilly/Williams

Yamaha Band Student, O'Reilly/Feldstein

Alfred's Basic Band Method, O'Reilly/Feldstein

Alfred's New Band Method, (Feldstein)

Standard of Excellence, Bruce Pearson