This page links to class notes plus useful links from each lecture. Click below to read each set of notes, use Back button to return.

Note: These notes are arranged for a typical course presentation. In any individual term some topics may run over into the next lecture, or even be omitted. Also remember that the lectures include extra material, answers to questions etc. and illustrations not included here, so having these notes does not mean you can skip class!

Lecture 1: Introduction to the course

Lecture 2: History - early years, Apollo and Zond.

Lecture 3: Apollo on the Moon.

Lecture 4: History - Shuttle, Mir, Space Station.

Lecture 5: Geography of the solar system.

Lecture 6: Robotic exploration of space.

Lecture 7: Robotic exploration of space (continued).

Lecture 8a: Space in our lives, in culture, space law.

- Guest lecture by Danny Bednar, part 1 (PDF file)
- Guest lecture by Danny Bednar, part 2 (PDF file)
Lecture 8b: Space commercialization: a new era

Lecture 9: Life in Space.

Lecture 10: UFOs and SETI

Lecture 11: Current Planetary Exploration

Lecture 12: Where do we go from here?










