601: Week4
DIALOG: Three questions for the Assignment #2
Assignment #2A: Two questions to get you started
You can start working on these two right away. These Questions are taken/derived
from the DIALOG Lab Workbook (DIALOG 1992):
Part 1
Simply follow the instructions in this question. Present only the search
sets and the final six records. This is a warm-up and will be marked as
"Search on the topic Adult literacy programs in public libraries
in ERIC. Restrict retrieval to items of major emphasis, published since
1983, and excluding those concerned with computer literacy.
EXPAND on the word literacy in the Basic Index
EXPAND to fin suject-related terms for the concept of teaching adults
to read. SELECT appropriate subject-related terms from the R-numbered
Restrict the retrieval to major descriptors.
Continue the the search by including the public libraries concept and eliminating
the computer literacy concept.
Restrict retrieval to the appropriate publication range.
Type six records in an appropriate format to view the indexing (DIALOG
1992, 18)."
For Parts 2 and 3 make sure to:
adopt a presentation style that clearly denotes what are commands, search
strings, results, commentary, etc. This is very important. (See various
computer manuals, DIALOG publications, etc. for ideas.)
use a fixed font for output.
append select output examples that are clearly marked and referenced from
within the body of the report. The keyword hear is select:
large gobs of output appended to the report shows a lack of thought and
will receive the appropriate lack of marks!
answer the queries (i.e. read the questions closely).
discuss search strategies used, and note successes and failures (N.B.
this is the raison d'etre for this, and all assignments).
note potential pitfalls that you have discovered and possible remedies
(from both the system and the user viewpoints).
use as many search features as possible for initial search then refine/rerun
searches using successful features to create ideal strategies.
"Find an article by M. van Heuvel, published in 1989, in the journal
Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications. Use both
BIOSIS and SCISEARCH to observe differences in author and journal name
entry. Type records in a format to obtain the journal references.
Hint:Allow for differences in author name entries. For example,
SCISEARCH eliminates and punctuation and spaces in author names (DIAOLG
1992, 19)".
Assignment #2b: Searching Multiple Databases
This section will make sense after next week's lecture. Use the tools I
will show you to answer this question.
Part 3
"I remember an article that used a violent cat and mouse metaphor
to discuss a rivalry in the soft drink industry. My professor wants to
see the article".
Page creator: J. Stephen Downie
Page created: 30 September 1997
Page updated: 1 October 1997