Week8: Citation Indexing
Key Concepts concerning Citation Indexing Approaches.
Before we can discuss the Garfield article it is important to understand
several important concepts concerning the use of citations in Information
Retrieval. Make sure that you understand the differences between bibliographic
coupling and co-citation measures. These study
notes should help you get started.
Study notes derived from the Garfield (1980) Article
Garfield is the considered by most information professionals as the
greatest propenent of the citation indexing approach. My study
notes summarize the process that Garfield uses in the creation of his
"Research Front" indexes.
Class Demonstration
Take a look at this very small collection of documents.
Can you determine 1) which documents are most strongly bilbiographically
coupled; and, 2) which have the highest co-citation strengths?
Answers to Class Demonstration
In class I had you to play "computer" and generate the bibliographic
coupling strengths and co-citation link strengths for an artificial collection
of "documents". Find below the answers presented in tabular form:
Page creator: J. Stephen Downie
Page created: 29 October 1997
Page updated: 15 March 1998