BioPsychoSocial Assessment Tools for the Elderly - Assessment Summary Sheet

Test: Kingston Standardized Cognitive Assessment-Revised (KSCA-R)

Year: 2004

Domain: Psychological

Assessment Tool Category: Dementia

Variations/Translations: Brief KSCA-R (cognition), Kingston Standardized Behavioural Assessment (KSBA), Kingston Caregiver Stress Scale, Kingston Dementia Rating Scale. Both the KSCA-R and Brief KSCA have been translated into French (L’Évaluation Cognitive Standardisée de Kingston - Revisée).  However, separate normative data are as yet unavailable. Clinicians are urged to use caution when applying the English norms.

Setting: Community or clinical

Method of Delivery: Oral Interview

Description: The Kingston Standardized Cognitive Assessment-Revised (KSCA-R) is an instrument designed to assess elderly individuals suspected of suffering from dementias.  The KSCA-R is a broad range screen that can assess a number of cognitive capabilities but concentrates on those commonly impaired in dementia. It assesses memory, language and visual-motor functions – yielding a percentile score for each, as well as an overall total score. Individuals can be compared to groups of outpatients with progressive dementias (Alzheimer and Other Dementia) as well as a community dwelling normal elderly sample. Norms are also provided for a group of outpatients who were diagnosed with depression, but not dementia.  While it is not diagnostic, the KSCA-R alerts the user to the possibility of a dementing illness and raises the question of whether further evaluation is needed.

Scoring/Interpretation: The KSCA-R provides four sets of comparison norms: 1 - Healthy community dwelling elderly, 2 - Individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, 3 - Other dementias, and 4 - Depression. The 19 subtests yield a total score and scores are divided into three cognitive domains: 1 - Language/Verbalabilities, 2 - Spatial Motor (Non Verbal) abilities, and 3 - Memory.

Time to Administer: 30 minutes or less

Availability: Available for download online

Software: Can be made available from Providence Care (See Website)


Quantitative/Qualitative: Quantitative and qualitative

Validity (Quantitative): Demonstrates criterion-related validity (i.e., behaviours related to concomitant brain damage). KSCA-R score correlations with Wechsler scale indices: (.78-.85) (Hopkins, 2004).

Reliability (Quantitative): Interrater reliabilities for the 17 sections are high (Pearson r's > 0.81). (Hopkins, 2004).


Hopkins, R., Kilik, L., Day, D., Rows, C., & Hamilton, P. (2004).  The Revised Kingston Standardized Cognitive Assessment. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 19(4): 320-326.

Comments: This tool is not used for diagnostic purposes because it needs further assessment for validity and reliability.