LAB # 3:          KIN 2241B        Biomechanics              Winter 2013



give completed LAB assignment to either Ashley Hannon or Peter Wegscheider in any 2241B class prior to but no later than the class on Wednesday 20-Mar-13. This is the only method of submitting your completed lab assignment. Late submission will not be accepted and a zero will be assigned.  


FORMAT:  Lab assignment must be typed on a standard sheet of paper (8.5" x 11") using type font size of 10. The report must not exceed two pages and if you require two pages to complete the assignment, it must be printed double-sided on one page (use a duplex mode printer or photocopier to get a one-page report). Note: a mark penalty will be assessed for any report on more than one sheet of paper.


1. Use the following links to observe and qualitatively analyze: 

A. Rugby Lateral Pass             Title of Video “Passing Slowmo


B. Volleyball Spike                  Title of Video   “volleyball spike, hand swing in slow motion.mp4

focus primarily on player # 15 in blue uniform found @ 3:30 in video 


2. For each skill, indicate the following:

            i) skill classification (open or closed)

            ii) OPO 


3. Analyze the performance of each skill in terms of the concepts and principles presented in class as follows:  

            a) identify which body segment motions are lever actions and which are wheel-axle

            b) sequence of body segment motions

            c) path that the hand(s) follow (i.e. curvilinear, rectilinear) when observed from a side view
                  (for the Spike, observe just the “spiking” hand and not the contra lateral hand)

            d) describe the type of kinetic link system used and how it works to achieve the OPO

            e) what other biomechanical principles, if any, are used to achieve the OPO of each skill?