ENRICH (Evaluation and Nurturing Relationship Issues, Communication and Happiness) Marital Satisfaction Scale (EMS)

BioPsychoSocial Assessment Tools for the Elderly - Assessment Summary Sheet

Test: ENRICH (Evaluation and Nurturing Relationship Issues, Communication and Happiness) Marital Satisfaction Scale (EMS)

Year: 1993

Domain: Psychological, Social

Assessment Tool Category: Social Support

Variations/Translations: N/A

Setting: Clinical

Method of Delivery: 15 questionnaire style items using a 5 point scale.

Description: Brief measure of marital quality for married adults. Can obtain dyadic and individual scores. 10 items measure 10 domains of marital quality, and the remaining 5 items compose a marital conventionalization scale to correct for the tendency to endorse unrealistically positive descriptions of the marriage.

Scoring/Interpretation: Items 1, 4, 6, 9, and 13 constitute the Idealistic Distortion Scale. The remaining items are in the Marital Satisfaction Scale. Raw scores for both scales are calculated by reverse scoring the negative items and summing the appropriate items for each scale. After obtaining the raw scores, one determines the percent scores in the norm table. EMS score = percentile score for individual Marital Satisfaction Scale – [(0.40 x PCT)(percentile score for individual Idealistic Distortion Scale x 0.01)]. Positive couple agreement score is the percentage of items on which both partners agree that an item is a strength for them. An item is scored as a PCA item when both partners mark a 4 or a 5 on a positively scored item or a 1 or a 2 on negatively scored items. 7 PCA items = a score of 70; 3 PCA items = a score of 30 etc.

Time to Administer: 5-10 minutes

Availability: Widely available, free of charge

Software: N/A

Website: N/A

Quantitative/Qualitative: Quantitative

Validity (Quantitative): Concurrent validity (0.73) with the Locke-Wallace Marital Adjustment Test, as well as (0.71 for men and 0.77 for women) with a single item measure of satisfaction. Construct validity through comparison with Family Satisfaction Scale, thoughts of divorce, and demographic correlations of other satisfaction scales, suggesting non-redundancy among the scales.

Reliability (Quantitative): Cronbach’s alpha revealed an internal reliability of 0.86. Test re-test reliability was measured, with a reliability coefficient of 0.86 over time. Total item correlations are strong, ranging from 0.52 to 0.82.


Fowers, B. J. & Olson, D. H. (1993). ENRICH Marital satisfaction scale: A brief research and clinical tool. Journal of Family Physchology, 7(2), 176-185.

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