Correlational and
Research Methods and Analysis
Professor: Chris Roney
Office: SA 063
Phone: ext. 4336
Welcome to the Psychology 392 web page. I will be keeping a copy
of the course outline available here, as well as files with the data I
will be discussing in class, and copies of my overheads for you to
Just look below for the link to whatever you are looking for.
The course outline is here. (in Word)
I am attaching results from two different factor analyses for you to practice interpreting.
One is on social dominance orientation. I have a copy of the questionnaire here and the results of the factor analysis here
One is on sex-role orientation. The questionnaire is here and the results of the factor analysis are here
Week 1: overhead1 overhead2 overhead3 overhead4
Week 3: overhead1 overhead2 overhead3 Here is the desire for control scale these analyses are based onThe link for the web page for calculating Sobel's test for mediation is