Contact Information:

WebCT Western Grammar is a self-tutoring, self-testing computer program available by registration through the Writing Program, Faculty of Arts.

  1. The non-credit WebCT version of Western Grammar Online is available to all students, automatically to students enrolled in Writing 101F/G, as well as any other writing courses as arranged by the instructor. Anyone may be given access by request.
  2. You must have a UWO computer account with user name and password.
  3. Obtain information about access to the WebCT version of Western Grammar Online by contacting the Certificate in Writing Program Office as follows:

The Writing Program Office is located in Stevenson-Lawson in Room 270 or for general information, contact one of the following:


Shelley Clark

                        Administrative Assistant

                        Writing Program Office

                        Stevenson-Lawson Building Room 270


                        Telephone: 519-850-2920