Molecular Fungal Biology


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Table of Contents

Molecular Fungal Biology

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Inferring Relationships

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Fungal Genomes

History of Sequencing

Genome sequences available

Gene size

Genome size increases exponentially, but not number of genes

Types of information one can get

The First Complete Eukaryotic Genome Sequence: Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Yeast Genome

Yeast Genome

Other Fungal Genomes

Other Fungal Genomes

Genomic sequencing - fungi

Genomic sequencing - fungi


What are these 17 fungal genes?

Other Fungal Genomes

Fungal Expression Systems

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Which Expression System?

Escherichia coli


Baculovirus infected insect cells.

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Molecular Genetics of Fungi

Electrophoretic Karyotypes

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DNA Fingerprinting

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Restriciton Fragments

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Author: Richard Gardiner


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