Overall Format

Page 1 will be your gel picture along with a figure legend.

Page 2 will be a composite picture labeled and drawn from results given to you during Lecture 7 and repeated in Lecture 8. This shall form the basis for your analysis.

Pages 3-4 will be your report (discussion). You will answer the questions stated below.

Worth a total of 20 marks (10% of final mark):
--------- 10 marks for the results section (Pages 1-2) (5%)
----------10 marks for the assignment section (Pages 3-4) (5%)

0.5 marks will be lost for each spelling or grammatical mistake in your assignment.


Page 1 will be a picture of the gel for which YOU performed the PCR reactions. The primer pair that you are responsible for will be assigned to you. You will lose marks for doing a primer pair to which you were not assigned.

This is the gel that will be marked for the total of 10 results marks.

Marking scheme: The number of lanes that have PCR product with the correct number of bands will be counted.

 Mark  Number of lanes that worked
 0  0
 1  1
 2  2
 4  3
 5  4
 6  5
 8  6
 10  7

Page 2: Composite of the results

Using the complete set of results presented in Lecture7 and repeated in Lecture 8. This is the data that should form the basis of your analysis.

Below is an example from a previous year.


This section will have 3 parts and the format will be the following:

Maximum length of 2 pages; 12 point font; 1.5 line spacing;1 inch margins.

Part 1: (2 marks)

Analyzed independently, which of the marker(s) provide important evidence and which do not?

Part 2: (4 marks)

As a detective and a forensic scientist, write a report summarizing the incident, how the analyses were performed, the results of the analyses and the conclusions of the case. This section should be about 3/4-1 page long. Less than half a page will receive a zero. You must summarize all the information concisely.

Part 3: (4 marks)

In a half a page speculate based on the evidence what happened, and who you think the murderer is.


0.5 marks will be lost for each spelling or grammatical mistake in your assignment.