Overall Format

Experiment 3

Page 1 Will present 3 labeled gels: 1 the gel of the digest of the vector and digest for DNA fragment isolation; 2 the gel of the ligation reactions and isolated DNA fragment; 3 the gel of the restriction digestions of the two clones.

Page 2 You will summarize the success or failure of each step of the process of cloning

Pages 2 will have the following format: 12 point font; 1.5 line spacing;1 inch margins; table included.

Worth a total of 20 marks (5 % of final mark):
--------- 10 marks for the results section (Pages 1) (2% of final)
----------10 marks for the assignment sections (Pages 2-4) (3% of final)

RESULTS (Page 1):

Your gels will be assessed on their quality (2 marks).


Summary of the cloning experiment.

Comment on the success/failure of the various steps of the cloning procedure. (3 marks)