There are no practical lab exams in this course. The final exam is a written examination.

The exam consists of sets of questions derived from a primary research paper that you will be assigned to read PRIOR to the exam. The final exam paper will be posted on this website at least a month before the exam. You will have more than sufficient time to read the scientific paper before the exam date. You must come to the exam having read the article as you will NOT have time to read it during the exam. Since you will be tested on this paper, I will not comment or answer any questions on this paper.

Suggestions: To succeed on the final exam you will have to do the following:

1) Read the manditory papers and practice answering the questions

2) From all the questions you have answered on the manditory papers, start making up your own questions based on the exam paper and answer them yourself. You might surprize yourself when you sit down to write the examination and find that some of your questions on the exam.

What you may bring with you to the examination:

1. a Dictionary

2. the paper and notes on the paper, and any other paper you deem necessary and notes on them.

3. one textbook.


The links to the final paper and supplemental data are given below.

Final paper

Supplemental data