Biology 407b

Plant Secondary Metabolism


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Course Outline for 2003

Click here for a *.pdf version of the 2004 course outline.


Class Times:        Monday, 09:00, B&GS 116

                                Wednesday, 10:00, B&GS 116

                                Friday, 11:00, B&GS 116


Topic Outline:


I. Plant Secondary Metabolism (Approx. 2 Lectures)

-   Introduction & Ecological perspectives

II. Biosynthesis of Secondary Metabolites (Approx. 9 Lectures)

-   Basic organic chemistry of biosynthetic reactions

-   Pathway organization

-   Specialized organelles/structures

III. Alkaloids (Approx. 6 Lectures)

-   Biosynthesis, Physiology, Ecology, Biological activity

IV. Isoprenoids/Poly Acetates (Approx. 6 Lectures)

-   Biosynthesis, Physiology, Ecology, Biological activity

V. Phenolics (Approx. 9 Lectures)

-   Biosynthesis, Physiology, Ecology, Biological activity


Evaluation (see below for details):

Assignments (5 @ 5 %)       25%

Term Paper                           30%

In-Class Presentation           15%

Final Exam                             30%


Five take-home assignments (each worth 5% of the final grade) will be given out during the term. The assignments will consist of one or more questions related to material covered in class, and will require brief written answers (i.e., 1-2 pages). Assignments will be due according to the following schedule:

Assignment No.


Available Date

Due Date


Ecological Perspectives

Jan. 09, 2004

Jan. 16, 2004



Jan. 26, 2004

Feb. 02, 2004



Feb. 11, 2004

Feb. 18, 2004



March 03, 2004

March 10, 2004



March 24, 2004

March 31, 2004

Term paper (Due Wednesday March 22, 2004):

The term paper will consist of a 10-15 (double-spaced) page essay written about a specific enzyme, pathway or natural product (secondary metabolite) of your choice. For example, you might write a mini-review about the current status of a biosynthetic pathway. Alternatively, you might write a paper describing the elucidation of the mechanism of a specific enzyme, or the ecology of a specific compound (or indeed class of compounds) in the interaction between a plant and its environment. Another area of interest may be the engineering of a pathway to either enhance or suppress the biosynthesis of a target phytochemical. In this context, however, the emphasis would need to be on the enzyme, pathway and/or product, and not the molecular biology associated with the plant transformation used. You are encouraged to discuss your topic with the instructor early in the term.

You are encouraged to discuss your topic with the instructor early in the term.


You will present a 20-minute talk to the class on the topic you have written your term paper on. Presentations will be held during the last few scheduled class periods (i.e., 2 per class). The order of presenters will be determined by consensus.