Biology 4540G

Developmental Genetics









 This course is the application of basic genetic analysis for dissection of the process of biological development. The genetics applied to this problem are allele classification, genetic screens, epistasis, transgenesis and mosaic analysis. The problems in Developmental Biology investigated are anterior posterior axis formation in Drosophila, morphogen gradients, lateral inhibition, evolution of the animal body plan, and genetic analysis of evolutionary conservation of developmental pathways. The laboratory component of this course will highlight some of the genetic analyses discussed in lecture using the Drosophila segmentation gene fushi tarazu as the example. Techniques used in the laboratory are cuticle preparation, whole mount protein immunolocalization, in situ hybridization and reporter gene expression.

Instructor: Dr. Anthony Percival-Smith, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, UWO. Room #305 Western Science Center.

Teaching Assistant: Elyse Burlingham, Department of Biology, UWO. Room #361 Western Science Center.