Student # _____________ Name: ________________


The University of Western Ontario

London, Canada

Biology 318b, Biology of Fungi

Midterm Test

Feb 18, 2002 2-4 pm

25 % of Final Mark


This Exam paper is composed of 4 sections and covers 6 sides plus this cover page.

Please ensure that it is complete.

All answers are to be entered directly on the exam.

Each question worth 1 mark unless otherwise indicated. Perfect mark = 75


Total = ____ out of 75


Please use the space below to indicate any concerns or ambiguities about any questions







For questions 1 to 15 , choose from the following list of major groups of fungi or fungal-like organisms.and ENTER the appropriate letter. (A - G)

A. Slime moulds,

B. Ascomycotina,

C. Zygomycotina,

D. Basidiomycotina - order Teliomycetes.

E. Chytridiomycota,

F. Basidiomycotina - order Holobasidiomycetes

G. Oomycetes


1. To which group does fungus # 1 in Fig 1. belong ? ____________________

2. To which group does fungus # 2 in Fig 1. belong ? ____________________

3. To which group does fungus # 3 in Fig 1. belong ? ____________________

4. To which group does fungus # 4 in Fig 1. belong ? ____________________

5. To which group does fungus # 5 in Fig 1. belong ? ____________________

6. To which group does fungus # 6 in Fig 1. belong ? ____________________

7. Group to which most lichen fungi belong ____________________

8. Group to which most wood-rotting fungi belong ____________________

9. Group to which the plant pathogenic rust and smut fungi belong ____________________

10. Which group of fungi can produce closed structures called

cleistothecia which contain the sexual spores and spore bearing cells? _______________________

11. Which group of fungi includes those which can form amoebae ? _____________________

12. Which group of fungi are non-motile and have coenocytic cells ? _____________________

13. Which group of fungi includes those that can be macrocyclic ? ___________________

14. Which group of fungi includes yeasts that bud enteroblastically ? ______________

15. Which group of fungi can produce their sexual spores in operculate containers? ___________


Q 16 -30. For each term in List A select the description in List B that is the MOST

APPROPRIATE for this term. Enter the corresponding number in the blank [if appropriate you can use the same number more than once].


16. hymenium __________

17. isedia __________

18. perithecium __________

19. oogonium __________

20. aseptate __________

21. anamorph __________

22. ascoma __________

23. homothallic __________

24. chitin __________

25. basidium __________

26. stipe __________

27. spermatia __________

28. rhizomorph __________

29. volva __________

30. aecia __________


1. sexual cell bearing spores (products of meiosis) on its outside

2. has 2 mating type genes - each usually with many alleles

3. the female sexual structure in some fungi

4. term for a fungus-root partnership

5. having no cross-walls in hyphae

6. small uninucleate haploid spores produced by rust fungi

7. sexual cell bearing spore products of meiosis inside it

8. cup-like structure at base of a mushroom

9. polysaccharide compound found in fungal cell walls

10. term describing the sexual stages of an organism

11. term describing the asexual stages of an organism

12. root-like structure produced by some fungi

13. requiring 2 different individuals to initiate mating

14. capable of mating as a single individual

15. fruit body in Ascomycotina

16. ‘stalk’ of mushroom

17. vegetative reproductive structure in a lichen

18. structure with narrow opening; containing asci

19. dikaryotic spore-producing lesions on Barberry.

20. lichen growth form that is ‘leaflike’

21. black ‘bootlace-like’ structure

22. asexually produced spore

23. fertile spore bearing surface























31. Name for fungal Kingdom which includes the Omycetes __________________________

32. Cup-shaped fruit body in Ascomycetes __________________________

33. asexual spore produced by Zygomycetes _________________________

34. diploid spore produced by smut fungi ______________________

35. name for type of flagellum which carries fine side hairs or mastigonemes _____________________

36. name for algal partner in a lichen ____________________

37. group of Ascomycetes for which no teleomorphs are known _______________________

38. asexual spore produced by Ascomycetes __________________________

Q 39 - 44. Identify the structures labelled in Fig 2 below.


39. The structure in Fig 2 - A = ______________________________________

40. The structure in Fig 2 - B = ______________________________________

41. The structure in Fig 2 - C = ______________________________________

42. The structure in Fig 2 - D = ______________________________________

43. The structure in Fig 2 - E = ______________________________________

44. The structure in Fig 2 - F = ______________________________________







Q. 45 - 51. For each of the following say whether the nuclei are diploid (2n), haploid (1n) or dikaryotic(n+n)

45) zygospore ............................................................ _______________

46) normal spreading mycelium of a Basidomycete............................ _______________

47) normal spreading mycelium of an Ascomycete............................_______________

48) uredospore . ................................................ _______________

49) nucleus in an antheridium ...................................... _______________

50) young ascus just prior to nuclear division.. ...................................._______________

51) hyphae of an Oomycete . ................................ ....._______________


52. Draw below the life cycle of a typical Zygomycete showing details of both asexual and sexual

reproduction. (5 marks)




























53. Complete the lables in the diagram of the life cycle below (6 marks)

54. Indicate on the above life cycle which host species are being attacked.

Section D. Economic Importance.

Q 55 -66 For each question in List A select the fungal genus in List B that is the MOST APPROPRIATE. Enter the corresponding number in the blank [if appropriate you can use the same number more than once].


55. Fungus important in wine making. _______

56. Produces highly toxic compounds. _______

57. Important in making ‘blue’ cheese. _______

58. Important parasite of trees _______

59. May spoil bread _______

60. Important for genetics research. _______

61. Caused major social changes in Ireland ______

62. Causes ‘thrush’ disease in humans. _______

63. Causes potato wart disease . _______

64. Cause of mediaeval outbreaks of madness/death _______

65. Cause of corn smut _______

66. Very expensive edible Basidiomycete _______


1. Claviceps

2. Armillaria

3. Agaricus

4. Synchytrium

5. Allomyces

6. Neurospora

7. Penicillium

8. Phytophthora

9. Rhizopus

10. Ustilago

11. Candida

12. Amanita

13. Saccharomyces

14. Tuber

15. Morchella