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Tutorial Stuff

Discovering Molecular Models downloads:

  • #1 for the week of Feb 4 (answers here)
  • #2 for the week of Feb 11 (answers here)

Solutions to the tutorial questions found in the tutorial manual will be posted here. The individual instructors may also be posting the answers to the tutorial quizzes on their own websites.

Missed Tutorial Quizzes

There are no make-up tutorial quizzes. Students who miss a quiz will initially be assigned a mark of zero for that tutorial. The zero will be replaced with an EXCU (excused) provided that the student 1) submits a Missed Tutorial Application to course instructor and, if applicable, 2) contacts the Dean’s Office to have the reason for missing the lab approved.

A mark of EXCU shifts the value of the missed tutorial over all of the other tutorials. For instance, if a student misses one tutorial due to a Dean-approved reason (i.e. performs only 10 of the 11), those 10 tutorials will be used to calculate the mark for the tutorial component of the course. That is, each of the 10 tutorials will be worth more.

NOTE: if you miss a tutorial as a result of the closure of facilities due to power outage, fire, flood, etc., you will be automatically assigned a mark of EXCU.