Chemistry 2211a: Sept - Dec 2023

Instructor is Prof. Martin Stillman

Office ChB 064




research group web page:



Full details of this course can be found here  - click on the links on the sidebar – (currently under construction but will be up todated weekly as the term progresses)


Please like us at    to follow events and even closures!


Tutorial News



Poster News

Guidelines - see Sidebar

Important dates:




 (be prompt – so please find this room)


Lecture news this week

Introductions and course schedule


2023 Aug 16-SEP 1-R23-GH


Special note- check out « Metals in the news » -


**Skin Care products contain Mercury

**Lead in toys

**Skin Care products contain Mercury

**Now it is possible to LIVE on arsenic.. read on…. Today in Science

**Chromium 6 at Hinkley back in the news – See the report here.

**Ottawa sets new lead limits  Last Updated: Monday, November 29, 2010 | 12:05 PM ETCBC News
Read more:

**Lead is in the News again in 2010 – see the Globe and Mail October 1st and the Cadmium on October 22nd.

**Mercury in eggs downstream from oil sands – Globe & Mail 2010 Oct 2

* *Dangerous levels of lead found in Nike Bauer hockey sticks; 2010 March 18.

* “Vitamin B12 may protect older brains from shrinking: study” – Hey, that’s good news for a change! 

**But the bad news:  see

**A maximum of 0.5 ppm total mercury in retail fish, with three exceptions, has been in place in Canada for many years.  A 1.0 ppm standard for total mercury has been established for fresh/frozen tuna, shark, swordfish, escolar, marlin, and orange roughy; these fish are also subject to consumption advice…”


First lecture is Thursday, September 7th 2023

Term test is tentatively set:

Thursday Oct 26th in-class time room TBA


** Poster Topics will be available for viewing on Tuesday Oct 10th at noon with selection by teams of 2 on Friday October 13th at 5 pm. 

Final team selection 9:30 am Tuesday October 24th .


Text book – see the Course Outline


One Term Test***

Thursday 2023 October 26th 90 minutes in class time   Room:TBA


Final Exam

Date:   TBA-3 hrs   please check the Registrar’s Schedule for the room


Bring a calculator to all tests!  Bring a pencil for the Scantron sheets.  No Periodic Table allowed. 

Final Exam prep Tutorial

Time to be announced here – TBA – please check here for confirmation-



Syllabus for the Final Exam

Everything in the course because the cases described after the MidTerm test use information but weighted for material after the Term Test


Bring a calculator to all tests!  No Periodic Table is provided or allowed.  You must memorize those parts of the Periodic Table outlined in class.


Poster Assignment

All students present a poster in-person, in teams of 2 at the assigned assessment time.  Topics are provided online on October, 10th, teams of 2 select Topic on October, 13th via the url to a Doodle scheduling poll.  Teams and topics finalized, October, 17th in class. 

Posters are displayed from November 17th before 5 pm. 

In-Person Assessment in the Lower Ground Floor corridor will be out of class time November 20th – Dec 1st to fit our TA’s schedule and your schedules.  Assessment times are selected by Nov 14th (these times are fixed and cannot be missed).  See the Course Outline for more details.


Brief Course Outline

The course describes BioInorganic Chemistry; that is the biological chemistry of metals.  One could express the content in terms the metabolism of metals in living organisms.  Including: the role of metals in living organisms; the chemistry of the essential minerals; the toxicity of metals; and the role metals play as therapeutic agents?  Of all these descriptions, the best may be simply, the “Inorganic Chemistry of Biology”.  Or, as we have used “The Inorganic Chemistry of Life”, encompassing essential and toxic metals. 

For more details click ‘Course Introduction’ and ‘Course Outline’ and ‘Recommended Text Books’.

After this course, you will be able to comment knowledgably on these “Metals in the News”.

Special events of interest at UWO


None this week


***Term test Conflicts:  While there is no make up test, if you have an academic conflict I will be happy to discuss options for writing at slightly different times BUT only before September, 30th, after that the only option will be to carry the marks to the final exam.  If you have a Varsity Sport meet, a class or previously (before the end of the 1st week of classes) assigned term test on the date and time of the mid-term test in October, please e-mail me the course number and name, department, times.  NOTE: The term test is held in class time on Thursday morning October, 26th 2023.


Please note: It is a Faculty of Science rule that you must go through the Dean’s office of your program for permission to write the Term Test at another time – this takes time – make sure you keep to my deadline.

Accessibility Statement

Please contact the course instructor if you require material in an alternate format or if you require any other arrangements to make this course more accessible to you. You may also wish to contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) at 661-2111 x 82147 for any specific question regarding an accommodation.


Revised: 2023 Aug 16-Sep01 R23-gh