Late Breaking News  Last updated 2016 Sep 9



Lecture files available

Course outline

(S1) Introduction L1 – L8



Changes to Course Dates

No changes


Test Dates, Times or Rooms

Term test:  Friday, October, 21st (2016) 9:30 – 10:20 in class time Nat Sci 7

Changes to Test Dates, Times or Rooms

No changes.


Poster information

Topics to choose from:  Not yet available

Team assignments: – Not yet available

Poster Board Numbers: – Not yet available

Poster Assessment Times: : – Not yet available

Poster Day Pictures: – Not yet available

Poster Assessment Marks: – Not yet available



Final exam day, time, place

Not available – check the registrar’s lists for more details later in the term


Updated: 2016 sep 9 r16-a