Tips for doing well in organic chemistry


Dr. Pagenkopf’s advice for doing well in organic chemistry (and other classes):


For every hour of lecture spend a minimum of 3 hours studying. 


I suggest that students study everyday, but never more than three hours on one subject per day. Take a break now and then to let your brain rest.


If you enjoy socializing, refrain from staying out late on Friday or Saturday night because your studying on the weekend will be less effective.  Don’t underestimate how important weekend study time is.


Unless you have superhuman self discipline, don’t study at home. Or, make your study area a place where you are comfortable and remain focused for long periods of time.


Rewrite all of your class notes at least one week before an exam.


Consider rewriting your class notes a second time, in an order or sequence that makes the most sense to you.  In this second rewrite add a few relevant details, examples and comments of importance from the text or other sources.


Create a flow chart of chemical reactions. Or make flash cards. Check out Gray’s organic chemistry flash cards (substitution, elimination, addition, oxidation, reagents)


When necessary, memorize.  Items requiring memorization should be addressed well in advance of exams.  Reagents, terms, and definitions for organic chemistry should be memorized.  Always look up the definitions for new chemistry terms in the text book’s glossary if not given clearly in the chapter.  In science, it is almost impossible to figure out the definition of a word from context.


Consider making “pictures” or flashcards of important items if you are visually oriented.  Practice visualization exercises to increase your mental 3D imaging ability.  If you are musically inclined, use this talent to help your studies. If you think with colours, colour code your reformatted notes.  If necessary, write your exams in multi-color.


Before Exams


Never cram, study or review within an hour (or more) of an exam.  This will increase your anxiety.  At most review a short list of items you may not have memorized adequately. 


Don’t talk to friends or anyone else about the material before an exam, as this will increase anxiety.


Immediately before an exam tune out everyone around you, as most likely they are discussing the course material (maybe even incorrectly) and if you overhear what they are saying your anxiety will increase.


Don’t stay up especially late the night before, and don’t go to bed early either.  Just keep your normal sleep schedule.


Don’t overdo the caffeine.


WARNING: The best way to prepare for an organic chemistry exam is by working problems without referring frequently to the answer key.  Many students start a question, think “This problem is too hard!” and look to the answer key for assistance.  After a quick look at the study guide they think “Oh, that’s easy.  I would have gotten that!”  Then what happens on the exam?  They can’t answer any questions!!  Don’t deceive yourself by “cheating” with the answer key.