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        The colour, grain size, texture, density, etc., of rocks are qualitative attributes, whereas the proportions of the minerals making up the rock (the MODAL composition of the rock) and the composition of the rock in terms of element proportions, (its CHEMICAL composition) are quantitative attributes. The colour of a rock, while a useful descriptor in evaluating whether a rock is generally mafic or felsic, provides very little information of use in the determination of rock type, or the possible petrogenetic relationship of one rock to another. On the other hand the modal and chemical compositions of rocks permit an exact identification of rocks, as well as allowing an evaluation of the petrogenetic relationships of rock suites. In the following text, three simple examples are provided of how modal and chemical compositions are used to establish petrogenetic relationships.
    In the first case it is assumed that  a basaltic magma intruded into continental crust has melted the crust and subsequently mixed with the granitic melt so produced. Knowing the modal mineral composition of the two end member rock types and their mixing proportions, an estimate is made of the modal composition of the resulting mixture. In the second case, the chemical composition of a rock is calculated from the known modal composition of the rock. And in the third case, the operation is reversed with the calculation of the mineral proportions of a rock from its chemical composition.

       Modal Compositions and Mass Balance Calculations

       Modal composition, Mixing, and Triangular Plots

   Exercise 1)  Assuming the modal mineral compositions (molar %) of a Granite and Gabbro are as follows:

                Granite Gabbro

        Kspar   30          0
        Qtz     20          0
        Ol      0          30
        Plag    50         47
        Cpx     0          23
        Total   100        100
   Calculate the mineral composition of of a 70:30 mixture of these two rocks, respectively. According to a simple mass balance calculation, the mineral proportions would be:

          Kspar - 21; Qtz - 14; Olivine - 9; Plag - (35 + 14) = 49; Cpx - 7; TOTAL = 100

   However, olivine and quartz cannot coexist in the same rock, and consequently the latter two minerals must be converted to orthopyroxene according to the reaction relationship

                                                  1Olivine + 1 Qtz = 1 Opx

   and the more correct mineral composition would therefore be:

                          Kspar - 21; Qtz - 5; opx - 9; Plag - 49; Cpx - 7; TOTAL = 91

   which recalculates in terms of percentages as:

                        Kspar - 23; Qtz - 5; opx - 10; Plag - 54; Cpx - 8; TOTAL = 100

   What plutonic igneous rock would the mixture represent?

    Calculate the relative % of Quartz, Plagioclase, and K-feldspar
   Kspar - 23; Qtz - 5; Plag - 54; TOTAL = 82
   And the proportions in percent are:
   Kspar - 28; Qtz - 6; Plag - 66; TOTAL = 100
   Use the Streckeisen triangular plot to determine the rock type.

Streckeisen Plot.

   Exercise 2). If sufficient water was present to allow the formation of Amphibole (Ca2Mg4Al2Si7O22(0H)2), what would be the composition of the mixture?

   In this case you will need to use the following reaction relationship to determine the proportion of Amphibole that might form:

                  2CaAl2Si2O8 + 2CaMgSi2O6 + 3Mg2Si2O6 + 2H2O = 2Ca2Mg4Al2Si7O22(OH)2

   The reaction of 9 moles of Opx with 6 moles of Clinopyroxene and 6 moles of Anorthite would form 6 moles of Amphibole, and the mineral proportions would therefore now be:

                                  Kspar - 21; Qtz - 5; Plag - 43; Cpx - 1; Amph - 6; TOTAL = 76

 What plutonic igneous rock would this mixture represent?

   Again, calculate the relative % of Quartz, Plagioclase, and K-feldspar.
   Kspar - 21; Qtz - 5; Plag - 43; TOTAL = 69

   And the proportions in percent are:
   Kspar - 30; Qtz - 7; Plag - 63; TOTAL = 100
  Use the Streckeisen triangular plot to determine the rock type.

Streckeisen Plot.

     Conversion of a Modal Mineral Composition to a Chemical composition

        Exercise 1). Make a rough estimate of the chemical composition of a rock from the proportion and
 composition of the minerals it contains. The rock is made of:

 25 % Anorthite  (CaAl2Si2O8)
 (CaAl2Si2O8 = CaO Al2O3 2SiO2 = 4 oxide moles; therefore per mole of Anorthite, CaO =1/4 An, Al2O3=1/4 An, SiO2 = 1/2 An)

and 75 % Forsterite (Mg2SiO4),

(Mg2SiO4 = 2MgO SiO2 = 3 oxide  moles; therefore per mole of Forsterite, MgO = 2/3 Fo,
 SiO2 = 1/3 Fo).

The oxide mole fractional composition of the rock would therefore be:

CaO   =  25% of 1/4      = .0625             Al2O3 = 25% of 1/4                       = .0625 ,
MgO  =  75% of 2/3      = .5,                 SiO2   = 25% of 1/2 + 75% of 1/3  = .375.

        Exercise 2) If a rock is made up of 25 % Quartz, 30 % Anorthite, 10 % Albite, 25 % K-feldspar,
and 10 % Enstatite, what would be the oxide chemical composition of the rock?

CaO   =  30% of 1/4     = ?             Al2O3 = 30% of 1/4 + 10% of 1/8 + 25% of 1/8 = ? ,
Na2O =  10% of 1/8      = ?             K2O = 25% of 1/8    =   ?
MgO  =  10% of 2/3      = ?
SiO2   = 30% of 1/2 + 10% of 3/4 + 25% of 3/4 + 10% of 1/2 + 25% of 1   = ?

        Conversion of a Rock composition to a Normative Mineral Composition.

        Exercise 1) If a rock is composed of 1 mole of Na2O, 1 mole of Al2O3, 2 moles of MgO, and 10 moles of SiO2,
what would be the mineralogical composition of the rock?

              1 Na2O             +      1 Al2O3       + 2 MgO        +  10 SiO2

        =    2NaAlSi3O8     +    1 Mg2Si2O6        +    2 SiO2
              2 Albite                       1 Opx                  2 Quartz

        Exercise 2). If a rock is composed of 1 mole of Na2O, 1 mole of Al2O3, 2 moles of MgO, and 5 moles of SiO2,
what would be the mineralogical composition of the rock?

              1 Na2O             +        1 Al2O3            +  2 MgO        +  5 SiO2

        =     1 NaAlSi3O8          +      1 Mg2SiO4      +       1 NaAlSiO4
              1 Albite                            1 Olivine                  1 Nepheline


Structural Provinces of North America.

Streckeisen granite plot.


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