The Grenville coverages have been archived in iomega:\GRE (catalog) in the schemas ROXGRE (.ADF files), SYMGRE (Symbols, IMO.TXT, IMP.TXX, *.ADF), RIVGRE (Rivers, ADF), LAKGRE (Lakes, ADF), FLTGRE (Faults, ADF), BNDGRE (Geographic Boundaries, ADF), INFO (arc.nsp, arc.dir, *.NIT - has field name information; and *.DAT - path to information in /gre/*gre/*.ADF files). The catalogue is iomega:\GRE, and in 300lab (GSMCAD) as :\GRE\ROXGRE, etc.
Each of the primary data directories (\COVERS,
\E00, \SHP, and \SHPGEO) contains ten subdirectories: one for each of the
eight compilation blocks (by author) and two for all of Canada.
Each of the ten subdirectories in the \CANADA\COVERS
directory contains a complete Arc/Info 7 workspace. All Arc/Info coverages
are single precision. It should be possible to access all of the coverages
directly from the CD-ROM. There are nine workspaces of geological data
(one for each compilation block and one for all of Canada). Topographic
bases for all compilation blocks are located in the CANADA\COVERS\BAS subdirectory.
Two interchange file formats ensure compatibility
of the data with a wide range of GIS systems:
Filename extension Description
.E00 Arc/Info 'Export' (PC ANSI text)
.SHP Arc/Info 'Shape' (binary)
Each of the \SHP, \SHPGEO, and \E00 subdirectories
contains a set of directories and files which correspond to the Arc/Info
The \CANADA\SHP files contain coordinates for the
Lambert Conformal Conic projection. Neither ArcView nor SurView can reproject
these files to another projection. Therefore, the entire \CANADA\SHPGEO
directory tree contains a duplicate of every file in the \CANADA\SHP directory
tree, but containing geographic{geodetic} (longitude, latitude) co-ordinates
instead of Lambert. All *.SHP, *.SHX, and *.DBF files in this directory
tree have a 'G' suffix to indicate that the file contains geographic (geodetic)
You can use these files instead of the Lambert files
if you want to use the Geological Map of Canada as a background for other
geophysical, geochemical, or geological data that is only available in
a non-Lambert projection.
Importing ARCVIEW - ARC/INFO files into Autocad Map
DATABASE Terminology: the environment consists
of the database management software (DBMS) such as dBASE, ORACLE and the
databases it can access. A catalog refers to the directory path to the
database. A schema refers to the catalog subdirectory (folder) where the
database tables reside, and a table contains rows (records) and columns
(fields, data element) of data that can be linked to map objects via a
link path name containing the environment, catalog, schema, table and a
key column (e.g. the record number ‘statnum’ in the stati table in the
case of Fieldlog).
In the case of the Geological Map of Canada
on the departmental server, the catalog is:
The folders schemas containing the database
tables include the rock data folder ROXGRE, the fault data folder FLTGRE,
the river and lake RIVERGRE, LAKGRE folders, respectively, and the SHP/GRE
folder, all of which contain .dbf, .shp, .shx. and .asx data files.
ArcView Shape files
ArcView point symbols, line styles, colour,
and fill styles are not supported in Autocad Map. Polygons in ArcView are
represented as closed areas, and appear as closed polylines, rather than
a topologically defined set of contiguous arcs.
Attribute data in ArcView is contained in
the .dbf database files and coordinate data in the .shp/.shx shape files.
.asx files contain data concerning specific fields in the .dbf table, e.g.
the file Roxgreer.asx for the Era field in the ROXGRE.dbf file contains
the following information:
title= Geological Map of Canada (GRE) - Era
title2=Carte géologique du Canada (GRE) -
Database fields are referred to as 'Data Elements'
and the data in the fields are referred to as 'values'. For example the
field 'Age' is a Data Element whereas 'Mesozoic' or 'Ordovician' would
be a value of the Data Element.
Importing ArcView images
In the Import procedure (Map -> Map Tools -> Import) you will first be requested to select the ArcView .shp file, e.g. roxgre.shp, containing the coordinate definition of the geological polygons to be imported. Click the Proceed button to display the 'Import Data Options' dialog box.
If the 'Map Data Elements to Object Data' option
is selected in the 'Import Data Elements' selection box, clicking the Data
button calls a 'request box', in which is entered a Table name, e.g. Grenville1,
for the Autocad Map Object Data Table to be attached to the Label points
('centroids?') of the ArcView polygons that will be plotted in Autocad
Map. Both points and arcs will be located on Layer '0' in Autocad Map,
and all the fields, e.g. Age, and all the values (e.g. Mesozoic) in those
fields will be contained in the table attached to the plotted label points.
If it is required to create a map with the data
sorted into layers according to the values in one of the data fields, for
example, Mesozoic, Paleozoic, and Precambrian values in the ERA field,
select Map Data Elements to Layers in the 'Import Graphics' selection box.
Click the Layers button and in the scroll-down Control Data Elements box
select the Field e.g. ERA, containing the data values Mesozoic, Paleozoic,
Precambrian, and click the Auto Layer button. The layers created will be
identified by the value names.
It is also possible to select one value or some
choice of values to import on separate layers, e.g. the Paleozoic value
in the Era field. Give a name to a new Target Layer (e.g. Paleozoic) in
the Target Layer options box. This will be the layer on which those objects
associated with a given field value will be placed. Click one of the values
in the Values Available drop down menu, e.g. Paleozoic, and transfer it
to the Values Assigned box by clicking the double arrow button. Repeat
this procedure to add a second value, for example, make a new Target Layer
named 'Mesozoic' (the Values assigned box will become empty) and transfer
the Mesozoic value from the Values Available box to the Values Assigned
box. Click the OK and Proceed buttons. A '0' and a Paleozoic (and Mesozoic)
layer will be created in Autocad Map.
The '0' layer will contain all the polygon definitions
and associated 'centroids?' not included in the Paleozoic (and Mesozoic)
layers, whereas the 'Paleozoic' and 'Mesozoic' layers will contain only
polygons and 'centroids?' associated with the Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks.
If the 'Paleozoic' layer is made current and the '0' layer is frozen, then
only the 'Paleozoic' polygons and 'centroids?' will be displayed. (Note:
the Arcview 'centroids?' are not recognized as topological by Autocad,
and consequently therefore any topological object data attached to the
'centroids?' will not be useable.)
The Paleozoic polygons can now be coloured with the 'fil' (ADEFILLPOLYG)
A topology can also be created (use Map ->
Drawing Cleanup to remove duplicate lines, etc), with the ArcView label
points being used as Autocad centroids.
If the map is saved as a .dwg file, the data in
each of these drawings can be accessed during some other drawing session
by attaching the drawing via Map -> Drawing -> Define Drawing set.
To import a layer from an external .DXF file,
attach the file (Map -> Drawings -> Define/Modify Drawing set, etc) and
query the layer via Map -> Query -> Define Query -> Property -> Layer ->
Values -> select the layer(s) to import. Note that once a layer has been
added to the current drawing, it cannot be deleted from layer list.
Since the map was drawn using the Lambert
Conformal Conical Projection the imported data can be translated into some
other projection by simply setting the current drawing session to the desired
projection with Map -> Map Tools -> Assign Global Coordinate system ->
Click to Current Work Session -> click the Codes button and select the
Coordinate system in the drop down selection box.
The Grenville Province .SHP files are archived in
Iomega:/GRE/SHP, and E:\GRE\SHP\GRE.
To reduce the area of the map to be displayed, use
the Autocad Boundary Trim. First draw a rectangle around the area to be
trimmed. In Map -> Map Tools -> Boundary Trim select this rectangle as
the Boundary in the Select Boundary selection box, enter 'automatic' as
the Objects to Trim, and 'Trim Outside' as the Trim method Click the Delete
button in the 'Objects that cannot be trimmed' selection area, and then
the Proceed button.
TIP: import each value as an individual layer, freeze
the value layer and delete the data on the '0' layer. Save as a .dwg file
that can later be reattached and colour filled or hatched.
Coverages in Arc/Info are equivalent to topological
layers in Autocad Map (ref, p. 148).
In \Canada\Covers\GRE\ROXGRE\file.adf, ...GRE
is the workspace, ROXGRE the coverage (or SCHEMA, see above), and each
file(.adf) in the coverage contains a specific kind of data, e.g. arc.adf
contains coordinates for arcs, tic.adf coordinates for tics, and Aat.adf
and Pat.adf are attribute values files. Polygon elements are imported such
that each arc of the polygon is converted to a polyline on layer ARCS and
each label point is converted to a point on the layer LABELPNTS.
The polygon record number is keyed on the label
point. (Arc/Info universal polygons, tables related to feature attribute
tables, text attributes, regions, route systems, address files, turntables,
LOG files, fonts, symbols, linetypes, and shades are not supported by Autocad.)
When an Arc/Info cover is imported into Autocad Map, it is imported in
three components:
1) arcs delineating polygons;
2) label points which resemble but which are
not centroids;
3) object data attached to the label points;
The data may be imported as arcs and label points
with or without the attached object data.
To import the ARC/INFO coverage into Autocad
In the Import procedure (Map -> Map Tools -> Import)
you will first be requested to select the Arc/Info coverage, e.g. \U171\Canmap\Canada\covers\GRE\ROXGRE\.
Click the Proceed button to display the 'Import Data Options' dialog box.
The rest of the import procedure is as for the ArcView
files. The main difference is that:
1) the drawing elements are arcs (links, lines)
rather than polygons.
2) all the arcs are located on the 'arc' layer rather
than together with the label points on the '0 layer'.
3) label points not assigned to a defined layer
are contained on a Labelpnts layer.
4) only the label points are imported to the layers
defined in the Import Graphics/ Map Data Elements to Layers procedure.
(Note: the points can be enlarged and coloured,
and therefore made more visible using Format -> Points to change the symbol
and size properties of the point symbol, and Change > Properties to change
the Colour and ltScale, followed by REGEN.)
In Fieldlog it would also be possible to plot
only points with e.g. Paleozoic, in an ERA field in a Fieldlog table, and
also to place them on their own Paleozoic layer (defined and made current
prior to making the Query). Similarly, a layer for 'Mesoproterozoic volcanics'
could be defined and made current for the mapping of a Query in Fieldlog
for a value = 'Mesoproterozoic' in a field named Ages, and a value = 'volcanic'
in a field named Lithologies.
To examine the Layers use the Layer Editor
in Autocad. The lines representing the boundaries of polygonal objects
are contained on an ARC layer, the centroids of the objects are stored
on the layers corresponding to those objects, whereas the centroids of
objects with undefined fields are kept on a layer called labelpnts.
If all the fields are turned on, a centroid will appear within each of
all the geologically defined polygons. If only one of the layers is chosen,
e.g. the Paleozoic layer, only the centroids of those mapped units whose
ERA field contains the string ‘Paleozoic’ will be display. However the
object data attached to the centroid, examined via Map -> Object Data
-> Edit Object Data, will include all the fields and values in the imported
object data table (not merely the fields selected as layers), and including
the area and perimeter of each polygon to which the point acts as a centroid.
Autocad does not however recognize the label points as topological centroids
from which it is possible to create seperate polygon layers in Map -> Map
Tools -> Create Closed Polylines. A separate topology would need to be
created after cleaning up the Arc\Info arcs with the Drawing Cleanup procedure.
However, you could ‘manual select’ the arc sets to be cleaned, and ‘manual
select’ the arcs from which to create a topology, in order to make a polygon
layer of only, for example, the areas of Paleozoic rocks. BE CAREFUL WITH
To make a topology such that the points to
which is attached the ARC/INFO attribute Table will also be the centroids
of the polygon topology being created, define the topology with the arc
and attribute data layers turned on. The data point will then automatically
be taken by Map as the centroid to which both the polygon topology table
and the Arc/Info attribute table will be attached. If the attribute layer
is frozen, Map will create a new set of centroids on a separate layer (see
Different polygon sets can then be displayed
in a new drawing via Map -> Query -> Define Topology Query -> load
the topology -> Query Type = Data, expression operator = e.g. granite.
(First attach the original drawing!)
ARCView files for the Churchill Province in H:\CANADA\SHP\CHU
12/13/96 02:57a
12/13/96 02:57a
12/13/96 02:57a
12/13/96 02:57a
12/13/96 02:57a
12/13/96 02:57a
12/13/96 02:57a
726,652 FLTCHU.DBF
12/13/96 02:57a
392,884 FLTCHU.SHP
12/13/96 02:57a
12/13/96 02:57a
12/13/96 02:57a
12/13/96 02:57a
12/13/96 02:57a
Lakes and Coast lines
12/13/96 02:57a
12/13/96 02:57a
197,578 LAKCHU.DBF
12/13/96 02:57a
421,284 LAKCHU.SHP
12/13/96 02:57a
12/13/96 02:57a
12/13/96 02:57a
511,566 RIVCHU.DBF
12/13/96 02:57a
600,500 RIVCHU.SHP
12/13/96 02:57a
12/13/96 02:57a
4,656,026 ROXCHU.DBF
12/13/96 02:57a
4,561,604 ROXCHU.SHP
12/13/96 02:57a
Thematic maps
12/13/96 02:57a era
12/13/96 02:57a period
12/13/96 02:57a rock by era
12/13/96 02:57a rocktypes
12/13/96 02:57a rock subdivision 377
12/13/96 02:57a units
12/13/96 02:57a
12/13/96 02:57a