Geological Map of Canada (CD-ROM) Map D1860A Example Theme Maps ------------------ Each of the following theme maps was created with SurView (included on this CD-ROM in \CANADA\SURVIEW), using the ROX*.SHP 'shape' files. Each map represents a different 'view' of the Geological Map of Canada database: UN (unit code) (..\HTML\EXUN.GIF) ER (age at the era level) (..\HTML\EXER.GIF) PE (age at the period level) (..\HTML\EXPE.GIF) RC (rock category) (..\HTML\EXRC.GIF) RS (rock category, subdivided) (..\HTML\EXRS.GIF) RA (rock category, broken down by era (..\HTML\EXRA.GIF) or subera) RS (rock category - detailed area) (..\HTML\EXRSD_E.GIF)