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Geological Map of Canada (CD-ROM)
Map D1860A

Credits and Acknowledgments

We gratefully and proudly acknowledge that this data product is the combined work of many members of the Geological Survey of Canada. The preparation of the digital data and the printed map 1860A was accomplished under the auspices of the Cartography Section of the Geoscience Information Division (GID).

Recommended citation

Wheeler, J.O., Hoffman, P.F., Card, K.D., Davidson, A., Sanford, B.V., Okulitch, A.V., and Roest, W.R. (comp.)
1997: Geological Map of Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, Map D1860A.


The geological data was compiled by:
  • J.O. Wheeler
  • P.F. Hoffman
  • K.D. Card
  • A. Davidson
  • B.V. Sanford
  • A.V. Okulitch
  • W.R. Roest

Each author's area of responsibility is shown in the index figure.



This map was compiled from published and unpublished maps and reports of:

and from supplementary information by:

Topographic Base

The digital base was supplied by:

National Atlas Information Service
Geomatics Canada

with modifications by the Geoscience Information Division. This data is protected by Copyright and may not be redistributed in any form, in whole or part, to third parties.

Digital Map Production

Digital map production by:

with assistance provided by:

Geoscience Information Division
Policy, Planning, Information and Services Branch
Earth Sciences Sector

CD-ROM Preparation

The preparation of the CD-ROM was undertaken by the Geoscience Information Division (GID) and the Continental Geoscience Division (CGD) project team consisting of:

Additional Assistance

Additional assistance was provided by:

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