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Geological Map of Canada (CD-ROM)
Map D1860A

GIS database structure

Cartographic projection

All of the spatial data in the Arc/Info coverages, and in the *.E00 and *.SHP files is stored in the same projection described by the following set of projection parameters:

Geological Map of Canada projection parameters
Parameter Value
Type Lambert Conformal Conic projection
Datum North American Datum 1927 (NAD27)
Units metres
Spheroid Clarke, 1866
Lambert standard parallels 49 00 00 N
77 00 00 N
Projection origin 95 00 00 W (central meridian)
49 00 00 N
False origin (easting, northing)=(0, 0)

The \CANADA\SHPGEO\... *.SHP files contain geographic (longitude, latitude) co-ordinates.

Data sets

The following tables describe the database fields which appear in the Arc/Info workspaces, *.E00 files and .DBF files which accompany the *.SHP files.

The codes used for directory and file names correspond to either the compilation block (ARC, SUP, etc.) and/or data type (ROX, RIV, BND, etc.).

Geological data sets

ROX<area>: geology (polygons and linework)
Geological unit areas are defined as polygons and geological contacts are defined as lines. The following items are attached to each polygon:

Database fields for ROX polygons
Field Description
SYMBOL symbol number
COMP compiler's name
UNIT unit code
DOMAIN onshore/offshore/ice
COUNTRY country
ERA age at the era level
PERIOD age at the period level
EPOCH age at the epoch or period level
REWORKAG age of reworking/intense metamorphism
RXTP general rock category
SUBRXTP specific rock category if applicable
AGERXTP age/rock type combination for viewers
METGRADE metamorphic grade
GEOLPROV geological province
NAME unit name
UNITE French equivalent of 'UNIT' field
DOMAINE French equivalent of 'DOMAIN' field
PAYS French equivalent of 'COUNTRY' field
ERE French equivalent of 'ERA' field
PERIODE French equivalent of 'PERIOD' field
EPOQUE French equivalent of 'EPOCH' field
AGETRANS French equivalent of 'REWORKAG' field
TPRCH French equivalent of 'RXTP' field
SUBTPRCH French equivalent of 'SUBRXTP' field
AGETPRCH French equivalent of 'AGERXTP' field
NIVMET French equivalent of 'METGRADE' field
PROVGEOL French equivalent of 'GEOLPROV' field
NOM French equivalent of 'NAME' field

The following items are attached to each line:

Database fields for ROX arcs
Field Description
SYMBOL a symbol number
COMP compiler's name
DXF-LAYER description code (see table below)
COUNTRY country
ENGDESC detailed English description of line
PAYS French equivalent of 'COUNTRY' field
FREDESC French equivalent of 'ENGDESC' field

FLT<area>: faults (geological linework, e.g. faults, fracture zone, etc.)
Geological linework, other than geological contacts, are defined as lines, and points are used to define markers or symbology on the lines. The following items are attached to each line and point:

Database fields for FLT arcs
Field Description
SYMBOL a symbol number
COMP compiler's name
DXF-LAYER description code (see table below)
COUNTRY country
ENGDESC detailed English description of line
NAME feature name (to be added by user)
PAYS French equivalent of 'COUNTRY' field
FREDESC French equivalent of 'ENGDESC' field
NOM French equivalent of 'NAME' field
SYM<area>: geological symbols (e.g. impact structure, volcanic centre, etc.)
The geological symbols on this map are defined as lines and points. The following items are attached to each line and point:

Database fields for SYM symbols
Field Description
SYMBOL a symbol number
COMP compiler's name
DXF-LAYER description code (see table below)
COUNTRY country
ENGDESC detailed English description of symbol
NAME feature name (to be added by user)
PAYS French equivalent of 'COUNTRY' field
FREDESC French equivalent of 'ENGDESC' field
NOM French equivalent of 'NAME' field

Topographic data sets

RIV<area>: line cover of all lakes and rivers that appear in each area
The topographical data are defined as lines. The following items are attached to each line and point:

Database fields for RIV arcs
Field Description
SYMBOL a symbol number
DXF-LAYER description code (see table below)
ENGDESC detailed English description of line
FREDESC French equivalent of 'ENGDESC' field
LAK<area>: polygons of all lakes that appear in each area
The topographical areas are defined as polygons. The following items are attached to each polygon:

Database fields for LAK polygons
Field Description
SYMBOL a symbol number
DXF-LAYER description code (see table below)
ENGDESC detailed English description
FREDESC French equivalent of 'ENGDESC' field
BND<area>: line cover of all political boundaries that appear in each area
The topographical data are defined as lines. The following items are attached to each line:

Database fields for BND arcs
Field Description
SYMBOL a symbol number
DXF-LAYER description code (see table below)
ENGDESC detailed English description of line
FREDESC French equivalent of 'ENGDESC' field

In addition, the following Canada-wide coverages of topographic data are supplied:

BAS1860A: topographical linework and point symbols of all Canada
The topographical data are defined as lines and points. The following items are attached to each line and point:

Database fields for BAS1860A arcs and points
Field Description
SYMBOL a symbol number
DXF-LAYER description code (see table below)
ENGDESC detailed English description
NAME city name (in point file only)
FREDESC French equivalent of 'ENGDESC' field
NOM French equivalent of 'NAME' field
WAT1860A: polygons (lakes, oceans, etc.) of all Canada
The topographical areas are defined as polygons for unit areas and lines for shoreline. The following items are attached to each line and polygon:

Database fields for WAT1860A polygons
Field Description
SYMBOL a symbol number
DXF-LAYER description code (see table below)
ENGDESC detailed English description
FREDESC French equivalent of 'ENGDESC' field
BUF1860A: buffer polygons around islands and shoreline of all Canada
This special polygon cover is included to create a white band around all shorelines and islands. This helps to separate the onshore geology from the offshore. The polygons use the attribute item 'INSIDE'.
TXT1860A: topographical text of all Canada
The topographical text on this map is defined as annotation. The annotation is stored as a subclass called 'TEXT' which uses the attribute item 'TXT-CLASS'

Covers may be exported in DXF format. Different line and symbol types will be exported as separate AUTOCAD layers by using the 'DXF-LAYER' item.

List of DXF-LAYER codes and descriptions

The following is a list of all DXF-LAYER attributes that appear in the data with a brief description.


Values for the DXF-LAYER field
DXF-LAYER value Description
UNCLASS_FLT unclassified fault
UNCLASS_FLT_OFF unclassified fault offshore
THRUST_FLT thrust fault (teeth on upper plate)
THRUST_FLT_OFF thrust fault offshore (teeth on upper plate)
NORMAL_FLT normal fault (hachures on downthrown side)
NORMAL_FLT_OFF normal fault offshore
STRIKE_SLIP_FLT strike slip fault
STRIKE_SLIP_OFF strike slip fault offshore
SPREAD_CTR offshore spreading centre
DEFORM_FRONT offshore deformation front
SEAFLOOR_ISO seafloor isochron
PSEUDO_FLT offshore pseudo fault
FRACTURE_ZONE offshore fracture zone
FLEXURE_FLT offshore flexure fault
TRANSFORM_FLT offshore transform fault
EXTINCT_CENTRE extinct spreading centre
SED_ISOPACH oceanic sediment isograds (defined)
SED-ISOPACH2 oceanic sediment isograds (assumed)
CONT_OCEAN_BDRY continent ocean boundary (defined)
CONT_OCEAN_BDRY2 continent ocean boundary (assumed)
FACIES_BDRY facies boundary
CONTACT geological contact
OFF_CONTACT offshore geological contact (inferred)
OTHERS miscellaneous lines
EVAP_DIAPIR evaporite diapir
BURIED_CONTACT buried contact
BURIED_FLT buried fault
IMPACT impact structure
FAULT_BDRY fault boundary
ICE_BDRY ice boundary


Values for the DXF-LAYER field in SYM coverages
DXF-LAYER value Description
VOLCANIC_CENTER volcanic centre
DIATREME diatreme
KIMBERLITE kimberlite
CARBONATITE carbonatite
TrJ_ULTRAMAFIC Alaskan-type ultramafic bodies (Triassic Jurassic)
mK_ULTRAMAFIC Alaskan-type ultramafic bodies (mid-Cretaceous)
EVAP_DIAPIR evaporite diapir
ACC_TERRANE leading edge of accreted terrane


DXF-LAYER Value Description
NEATLINE neatline
URBAN_BDRY urban boundary
UNSURVEY_BDRY unsurveyed boundary
DIST_BDRY district boundary
PROV_BDRY provincial boundary
INT_BDRY international boundary
CITY_NAME city name
SHORELINE shoreline
LAKE lake
RIVER river
ARC_CIRCLE arctic circle
BATHYMETRY submarine contour
ISLAND island

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