Geological Map of Canada (CD-ROM) Map D1860A
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RS (rock category, subdivided) (detailed area)
This detailed view spans parts of the Bear and Slave geological provinces,
N.W.T. It is coloured according to significant subdivisions of rock type,
allowing emphasis of contrasting sedimentary, volcanic, metamorphic, and
intrusive domains. Mafic sills appear in deep purple across the top. The
famous Muskox mafic-ultramafic intrusion appears as a narrow purple wedge
in the core of the Wopmay Orogen, a region roughly corresponding to the
spectacular conjugate fault overprint in the left half of the view.
This SurView picture also shows a portion of the .SHP file legend as well
as the window which displays the geographic co-ordinates of the mouse
This view of the ROX*.SHP files was created with the ROX*RS.ASX files.