- Resolution of the sixty year debate over continental drift, culminating in the triumph of plate tectonics, changed the very fabric of Earth Science. This four-volume treatise on the continental drift controversy is the first complete history of the origin, debate and gradual acceptance of this revolutionary... Continental Drift Controversy
Page 101
As an undergraduate he never heard of continental drift (Brown, February 4,
2004 email to author). Reading du Toit's 1937 Our Wandering Continents while
at the Survey turned Brown into a mobilist. I was particularly attracted to Du Toit's
Page 121
The first edition (1939) was out of print, and the Committee decided that instead
of reprinting they would engage ... “the most serious problem to be solved,”
regarded convection as promising, and referred to Holmes, Joly, du Toit, and
Page 204
Figure 3.1 Hess's Figure 1 (1938a: 75; 1938b: 343) and Figure 2 (1939: 265). ...
Thus, even though du Toit, for instance, was pleased that Hess argued for
horizontal movement along the Bartlett Deep, he was not pleased with Hess's ...
Page 205
(du Toit, 1937: 208) Du Toit envisioned a WSW movement of North America
relative to Africa, and a WNW movement of ... and 1939) extended the tectogene
hypothesis of Vening Meinesz and Kuenen and proposed that island arcs
evolved ...
Page 278
I have been much struck by the evidence therein submitted of big horizontal
movements, such as would support the hypothesis of continental drift” (A. du Toit
to H. H. Hess, March 16, 1939, HHP 7: WI). Vening Meinesz's later work is more ...