01050201-01, 514165, 5148287, 1, "Hydro road junction with 17 east of water works; travnum (col 4) 1 = wrc; 2 = krista; 3 = theresa; 4 = maria; 5 = grant 01050201-02, 514521, 5148297, 1, "crossbedded" 01050201-03, 514575, 5148476, 1, " (north of the rail tracks)" 01050201-04, 514486, 5148869, 1, "slump balls" 01050201-05, 514739, 5149192, 1, "felsic dike with acicular amphibole 256/80" 01050201-06, 514862, 5149220, 1, "irregular felsic dike app. strike 244" 01050201-07, , , 1, "lunch stop" 01050201-08, 514604, 5149943, 1, 01050201-09, 514858, 5150433, 1, 01050201-10, 514685, 5150357, 1, "Contact, strike 303, of Nipissing and sandstone; abundant cleaved Sudbury Breccia" . 01050201-11, 514052, 5150745, 1, "E-W mafic trap dike strike 284; 01050201-12, 513866, 5150407, 1, 01050201-13, 513306, 5150407, 1, " Hill on the pipe line track on way out to the Garson Road" 01050401-01, 512652, 5150729, 1, "dike trending E-W" 01050401-02, 512769, 5150942, 1, "contact strike 164 of Nipissing and Sudbury breccia" 01050401-03, 512803, 5150863, 1, "contact strike 164 of Nipissing and Sudbury breccia" 01050401-04, 512846, 5150832, 1, "contact 343/50 between Sud breccia and sandstone" 01050401-05, 512903, 5150722, 1, "flame structure, way up east" 01050401-06, 513209, 5150690, 1, 01050401-07, 513398, 5151028, 1, "drill site 267" 01050401-08, 513444, 5151239, 1, "contact striking 110 between Nipissing gabbro and sandstone" 01050401-09, 513533, 5151242, 1, 01050401-10, 513628, 5151288, 1, "cut by Sud breccia' 01050401-11, 513667, 5151237, 1, "contact between Nipissing gabbro and 5 metre intermediate dike with amph. needles and garnet" 01050401-12, 513807, 5150998, 1, 010504011-13, 513785, 5151228, 1, 01050401-14, 513016, 5150623, 1, 01050401-15, 512480, 5150638, 1, 01050401-16, 512461, 5150565, 1, 01050401-17, 512491, 5150444, 1, "20 degree contact between sandstone (west) and Nipissing gabbro (east)" 01050401-18, 512907, 5150464, 1, "contact of sandstone (with pyrrhotite) and Nipissing gabbro" 01050401-19, 513012, 5150460, 1, 01050401-20, 513052, 5150457, 1, "sandstone to the west" 01050501-01, 522995, 5143789, 1, "Sudbury diabase crossing the Dryden anorthosite" 01050501-02, 518717, 5140214, 1, "Junction of the Red Deer Lake road and highway 537 Wahnapitae to St Cloud (ophiolite dikes???)" 01050501-03, 520058, 5139091, 1, "Junction of Landing road and the Deer Lake Road" 01050501-04, 520585, 5139025, 1, "Sudbury diabase outcrop south side of road" 01050601-01, 494696, 5148117, 1, "Augen granite of the Creighton pluton" 01050601-02, 494700, 5147596, 1, "trap dike cutting granite; foliation in the chilled margin material of the dike 01050601-03, 415395, 5146167, 1, "Balsam St intersection with highway 17; staurolite bearing meta-greywackes (turbidites); small shatter cones pointing 352 upwards" 01050601-04, 501573, 5146130, 1, "Shatter cones point downwards to North; Laurentian University road side outcrops" 01050601-05, 499187, 5140740, 1, "deformed Sudbury breccia; granite sill in Mississagi Sandstones; highway to Long Lake" 01050601-06, 499191, 5141069, 1, "buff to pink weathering intermediate dike with small amphiolite needles; intrusion post-dates the regional shear deformation (foliation) seen in Sudbury breccia; sandstones dissected by anastomising shears" 01050601-07, 500027, 5139680, 1, "amphibolitized gabbro with patches of epidosite cut by pink granite that has suffered subsequent brittle deformation; 01050601-08, 499430, 5138198, 1, "crenulation (148/90) wraps the staurolite in schists at the side of the road 01050601-09, 499491, 5138340, 1, "total retrogression of flattened aluminsilicate porphyroblasts in the stream" 01050601-10, 502390, 5137358, 1, "isoclinally folded metasediments intruded by foliated granite; near small lake" 01050601-11, 502721, 5134795, 1, "western limit of completely recrystallized 'Grenville' gneisses; folded amphibolites; linear fabric oriented 140/490; Davidson's mylonite zone is located slightly north of the road junction" 01050701-01, 415690, 5118000, 1, "contact with folded amphibolitic metagabbro" 01050701-02, 414830, 5117751, 1, "trap dike trending 276 intruded post foliation; foliation also represented by pseudobedding; Sudbury breccia on top of the outcrop is pre-early foliation; F2 folds plunging 100/36 are the dominant structure" 01050701-03, 387196, 5117273, 1, "foliated amphibolite likely Nipissing gabbro cutting distal greywackes now crenulated garnet-mica schist; foliated rocks and D2 folds are cut by trap dikes which nevertheless display a foliation in their contact margins; trap dikes are cut by Cutler granite which is also foliated" 01050701-04, 387294, 5117266, 1, "trap dike locality" 01050701-05, 440010, 5124494, 1, "McKim turbidites; chloritoids wrapped in S2 foliation predate the main foliation" 01050701-06, 443212, 5120043, 1, "Sudbury breccia cut by F2 foliation; Plane Table lake" 01050701-07, 433294, 5118940, 1, "downward pointing shatter cone locality near Anderson Lake 01050701-08, 444000, 5117317, 1, "highly (rutiliferous) 50 m wide altered Loon Lake fault zone (8786) separating the North and South deformation domains" 01050801-01, 494263, 5146413, 1, "Sud breccia McKim Sediments; E-W Trap dikes cross-cut breccia and quartz diorite; see INCO guidebook for this locality which is just west of a track accessed from Cobalt street (From INCO offices turn right onto Power st, cross highway 17, turn left onto Cobalt street and continue to end of the WNW leg of the street onto a rough track running parallel to but west of the NNE leg of Cobalt street.)" 01050801-02, 496009, 5151959, 1, "Murray Mine plaque; south along the rail track one encounters aphyric and plag-phyric mafic units pink granite, grey monzodiorite/granodiorite; Murray granite is magnetite bearing; extremely weak fabric if any fabric at all" 01050801-03, 496241, 5151463, 1, "high strain zone in granite" 01050801-04, 496241, 5151428, 1, "agmatites with some bands of spotted (cordierite?) hornfels" 01050801-05, 496246, 5151050, 1, "strained agmatites" 01050801-06, 496230, 5150361, 1, "outcrops with large staurolite xls; on east side of the road are beautifully preserved soft sedimentary structures (sheath-like folds); these rocks display no penetrative deformation." 01050901-01, 509233, 5147950, 1, "two sets of shatter cones point both west and downwards" 01050901-02, 509193, 5147922, 1, "junction of road and side road on south side of the railway tracks" 01050901-03, 509233, 5147934, 1, "centre of bridge of highway" 01050901-04, 508824, 5145966, 1, "?" 01050901-05, 508754, 5146052, 1, "rotated by folding to 76 to 120; fold axis 204 plunge 42; Sud breccia is foliated" 01050901-06, 508613, 5146189, 1, "Nipissing gabbro" 01050901-07, 508822, 5146565, 1, "foliated Sudbury breccia" 01050901-08, 508911, 5146617, 1, "sandstone 150/74" 01050901-09, 508854, 5146675, 1, "sandstone 130/58" 01050901-10, 508734, 5146688, 1, "strike change 162/64 to 070; folds plunge 45; cross cut by Sud breccia" 01050901-11, 508888, 5146446, 1, "sandstone 146/84" 01050901-12, 508901, 5146311, 1, "Sud Breccia" 01050901-13, 508794, 5146235, 1, "contact 030 between sandstone and Sud breccia" 01050901-14, 508571, 5146070, 1, "sandstone 70/50" 01050901-15, 508406, 5145959, 1, "sandstone 40/32 younging east; shatter cones point up" 01050901-16, 508247, 5146070, 1, "sandstone 214/50 younging SE" 01050901-17, 508089, 5145963, 1, "sandstone 70/78; Sudbury breccia" 01050901-18, 507941, 5146090, 1, "sandstone 260/70" 01050901-19, 507696, 5146010, 1, "Sud breccia in cross-bedded sandstone; sandstone 65/55 01050901-20, , , 1, 01050901-21, 508042, 5146240, 1, "Sud breccia" 01050901-22, 508128, 5146456, 1, "Sud breccia" 01050901-23, 508179, 5146625, 1, "Sud breccia" 01050901-24, 508122, 5146774, 1, "sandstone 100/54" 01050901-25, 508156, 5146840, 1, "sandstone 01050901-26, 508002, 5146865, 1, "Sud breccia" 01050901-27, 507933, 5146981, 1, "Sud breccia" 01050901-28, 507310, 5147465, 1, "road junction with train tracks" 01050901-29, 507512, 5147919, 1, "road junction" 01051001-01, 511464, 5147054, 1, "Road intersection at parking location in Coniston near the gate to the dump road" 01051001-02, 511373, 5146873, 1, "fold structure beds varying in orientation from 30/82 to 111/78; plunge 341" 01051001-03, 511371, 5146882, 1, "sandstone 220/67" 01051001-04, 511320, 5146882, 1, 01051001-05, 511331, 5146973, 1, "sandstone 214/72 younging west ?" 01051001-06, 511292, 5146966, 1, "folding Sud breccia" 01051001-07, 511261, 5146934, 1, "sandstone 212/83 younging west; folded to 085/72" 01051001-08, 511286, 5146939, 1, "folding from 217/85 (north limb) to 93/68 and back to 34/80" 01051001-09, 511327, 5146771, 1, "sandstone 208/74" 01051001-10, 511190, 5146835, 1, "sandstone 80/60 folded to 186/72 (plunging 098) returning to 87/76" 01051001-11, 511207, 5146892, 1, "sandstone 46/82" 01051001-12, 511261, 5147028, 1, "folding from 102/67 to 210/84 plunge east" 01051001-13, 511212, 5147041, 1, "fold plunge 54/52 varying from 188/58 to 275/60" 01051001-14, 511331, 5147169, 1, "sandstone 120/58 younging west" 01051001-15, 511317, 5147243, 1, "sandstone 206/58" 01051001-16, 511371, 5147325, 1, "sandstone 204/78" 01051001-17, 511479, 5147404, 1, "sandstone 120/74" 01051101-01, 510491, 5151420, 1, "X-bedded sandstone with blebs" 01051101-02, 510449, 5151328, 1, "photograph of metasandstone with a shatter cone and blebs" 01051201-01, 512112, 5153620, 1, "pegmatite spiral in Nipissing" 01051201-02, , , 1, S-fold in quartzite, strike 95/steep, younging south 01051201-03, , , 1, "Outcrops of X-bedded sandstone at the western margin of the Nipissing diabase east of the Garson road to the south of the gravel quarry; Z-folds plunging 205; at south end of the outcrops the sandstone has a strike of 164 dipping ENE; no GPS (battery run out)" 01051201-04, 512023, 5149578, 1, "outcrop west of rail track before the bend approaching Coniston; Sudbury breccia but some beds possibly striking 280" 01051201-05, 511725, 5150711, 1, "contact of fine grained Nipissing diabase and x-bedded sandstone" 01051201-06, , , 1, " last outcrop in this sector before the rail tracks just northwest (300) of the gas pumping station north of the bridge" 01051201-07, 512399, 5150778, 1, "location of bridge south of the pumping station" 01051201-08, 511236, 5151718, 1, " (this value is off by 1 km due to influence of the power line??) outcrop east side of the road at the power line" 01051202-01, 512012, 5153218, 2, "Point zero at road side " 01051202-02, 511921, 5153302, 2, 01051202-03, 511747, 5153100, 2, 01051202-04, 511747, 5153100, 2, "foliated" 01051202-05, 511442, 5153214, 2, "foliated" 01051202-06, 511355, 5153074, 2, "foliated" 01051202-07, 511333, 5152915, 2, "foliated" 01051202-08, 511411, 5152815, 2, "foliation" 01051202-09, 511130, 5152952, 2, "foliation" 01051202-10, 511059, 5153100, 2, 01051202-11, 510960, 5153045, 2, "foliated" 01051202-12, 511133, 5152759, 2, "foliation" 01051202-13, 511330, 5152849, 2, "foliation" 01051202-14, (no data), , 2, 01051202-15, 511508, 5152790, 2, "foliation" 01051202-16, 511955, 5152831, 2, "foliation" 01051202-17, 512186, 5153005, 2, "foliation" 01051202-18, 512287, 5152702, 2, "foliation" 01051202-19, 512146, 5152650, 2, "foliation" 01051202-20, 512379, 5152186, 2, "foliation"