About the ArcMap9_ArcReader9 folder ================================== The ArcMap™9.1 and ArcReader™9.1 projects utilize ESRI™ shape files for the geological derivative themes in geographic projection from the folder AllThemesMerged, in which continental segments used for the ArcView 3.1 projects are merged into one shape file for each theme. The South Polar Orthograhic view also utilizes special pre-projected ESRI shape files for Antarctica, because the geographic shape files do not extend to the pole. Full geospatial data sets for faults (primary key FTNO) and bedrock domains (primary key RUNO) are also included. References are rolled up for each feature by RUNO in MS-Access™2000 database Rockunits.mdb, and by FTNO in Faults.mdb in the MSAccess_Files data folder, and can be joined to fltworld and roxworld vector data sets, respectively. Of course, users can create their own project files with any of the data in that folder to produce their own custom maps and map layers. Avl files in the zipped ArcView31 folder can be used to quickly create preliminary symbolization for the files to be included in a custom project. To use the ArcMap™9.1 project files, ArcMap™9.1 must be installed on your computer and the source data folders organized in the same fashion as on this CD-ROM; simply click on the project file names (mxd extension). To use the ArcReader™9.1 project files, ArcReader™9.1 (installation package in the \apps folder of this CD-ROM) must be installed on your computer and the source data folders organized in the same pattern; simply click on the project file names (pmf extension). Contents: ======== \ArcMap9_ArcReader9 \AllThemesMerged - ESRI™ shape files in geographic projection for world Coasts (coasts), full bedrock domain (roxworld) and fault (fltworLd) vector data sets plus the derivative geological themes: Classified Faults (flt) Generalized Age and Rock Type Domains (gen) Felsic and/or Intermediate Magmatic Domains (fls) Mafic and/or Ultramafic Domains (maf) Precambrian Age and Rock Type Domains (pre) \AntarcticPolar - ESRI™ shape files for Antarctica in South Polar Azimuthal projection for the Antarctic coast (anpcoast), full Bedrock Domain (roxanp) and Fault (fltanp) vector data sets plus the derivative geological themes: Classified Faults (fltanp) Generalized Age and Rock Type Domains (genanp) Felsic and/or Intermediate Magmatic Domains (flsanp) Mafic and/or Ultramafic Domains (mafanp) Precambrian Age and Rock Type Domains (preanp) Project files: - Geology_Seamless_Geographic.mxd: World geology map as an ArcMap™9.1 project file in geographic projection rendering the derivative geological themes: Classified Faults (flt) Generalized Age and Rock Type Domains (gen) Felsic and/or Intermediate Magmatic Domains (fls) Mafic and/or Ultramafic Domains (maf) Precambrian Age and Rock Type Domains (pre) - Geology_Seamless_Geographic.pmf: World geology map as an ArcReader™9.1 project file in geographic projection rendering the derivative geological themes: Classified Faults (flt) Generalized Age and Rock Type Domains (gen) Felsic and/or Intermediate Magmatic Domains (fls) Mafic and/or Ultramafic Domains (maf) Precambrian Age and Rock Type Domains (pre) - N_Polar_Geology_OrthoView.mxd: Northern hemisphere geology map as an ArcMap™9.1 project file with geographic data sets reprojected to North Polar Orthographic projection rendering the derivative geological themes: Classified Faults (flt) Generalized Age and Rock Type Domains (gen) Felsic and/or Intermediate Magmatic Domains (fls) Mafic and/or Ultramafic Domains (maf) Precambrian Age and Rock Type Domains (pre) - N_Polar_Geology_OrthoView.pmf: Northern hemisphere geology map as an ArcReader™9.1 project file with geographic data sets reprojected to North Polar Orthographic projection rendering the derivative geological themes: Classified Faults (flt) Generalized Age and Rock Type Domains (gen) Felsic and/or Intermediate Magmatic Domains (fls) Mafic and/or Ultramafic Domains (maf) Precambrian Age and Rock Type Domains (pre) - S_Polar_Geology_OrthoView.mxd - N_Polar_Geology_OrthoView.mxd: Southern hemisphere geology map as an ArcMap™9.1 project file with geographic and Antartic polar azimuthal data sets reprojected to South Polar Orthographic projection rendering the derivative geological themes: Classified Faults (flt) Generalized Age and Rock Type Domains (gen) Felsic and/or Intermediate Magmatic Domains (fls) Mafic and/or Ultramafic Domains (maf) Precambrian Age and Rock Type Domains (pre) - S_Polar_Geology_OrthoView.pmf: Southern hemisphere geology map as an ArcRaeder™9.1 project file with geographic and Antartic polar azimuthal data sets reprojected to South Polar Orthographic projection rendering the derivative geological themes: Classified Faults (flt) Generalized Age and Rock Type Domains (gen) Felsic and/or Intermediate Magmatic Domains (fls) Mafic and/or Ultramafic Domains (maf) Precambrian Age and Rock Type Domains (pre)