The files in this directory are dBase files, translated from the entire set of bedrock domain attribute tables in Info format. The numerical keys match the integer data types of the original Info data set, and can be linked with the user-ids ("covername"_) of the GIS data set using MapInfo, ArcView or other GIS software. In addition to bedrock domain data tables,this directory contains a full description of the table structure and contents in table form. This database description begins with a catalogue of all of the tables and their uses in 'ruct.dbf' (ct = 'catalogue'). Links between tables are described in 'rulinct.dbf'. Fields in data tables are described in tables named using the first six characters of the data table names followed by df (df = 'definitions'), with the extension '.dbf'. Data tables that describe the geological features, are named with a 'dt' at the end of the six letter prefix. Allowable values for each non-numeric field are given in authority tables that begin with the first six letters of the field name and end in 'pt.dbf' (permitted value tables). These value tables are also named in the field description tables. Lookup tables, notably agetsmlt.dbf (geological age terms), contain the letters 'lt' (for lookup table) at the end of the six letter prefix. The lookup table agetsmlt for geological age terms was derived, mainly, as indicated by the initials WBH in the field SOURCE, from: Harland, W. B., Armstrong, R. L., Cox, A. V., Craig, L. E., Smith, A. G., and Smith, D. G., 1990, A geologic time scale, 1989, Cambridge University Press, 263 pages. This reference provides a globally inclusive age term list and thorough documentation of the calibrations, but new IUGS calibrations will be adopted when they are complete enought to cover most terms obtained from the GGW data sources. Several more parochial terms (used mainly in mineral deposit databases) were obtained from: Okulitch, A. V., 1995, Geological time scale, 1995, Geological Survey of Canada, Quality Color Press, Edmonton, Open File 3040, 1 p. and Wheeler, J. O., Hoffman, P. F., Card, K. D., Davidson, A., Sanford, B. V., Okulitch, A. V., and Roest, W. R., 1994, Geological Map of Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, MAP 1860A, Scale 5000000