Readme File for E00 Files ========================= Renseignements sur cette publication ------------------------------------ Feuillet 1 Carte 2096A de la Commission géologique du Canada (2 feuillets) Carte lithotectonique de l'orogène des Appalaches, Canada--États-Unis d'Amérique J.P. Hibbard, C.R. van Staal, D.W. Rankin, H. Williams © Sa Majesté la Reine du chef du Canada 2006 Données topographiques numériques de la Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI®) fournies par le United States Geological Survey. Cette publication est aussi offerte en format papier (en version française ou anglaise). E00 File Information -------------------- The following coverages have been converted to E00 files and exist in either the base or geology folders. Original name of coverage: HYD2096_1 E00 File: hyd2096_1.e00 Features: Arcs and Polygons Description: Hydrology features Original name of coverage: BAS2096_1 E00 File: bas2096_1.e00 Features: Arcs and Points Description: Base line and point features, not including hydrology Original name of coverage: NTL2096_1 E00 File: ntl2096_1.e00 Features: Arcs and Polygons Description: Neatline of map Original name of coverage: GEO2096_1 E00 File: geo2096_1.e00 Features: Arcs and Polygons Description: Geological contacts and polygons This coverage contains the following associated info files: GEO2096_1.LEG - Legend description of CODE values GEO2096_1.LVL - Description of levels in legend info file GEO2096_1.SYM - Symbols used for each CODE value Original name of coverage: LIN2096_1 E00 File: lin2096_1.e00 Features: Arcs Description: Geological line features Notes ----- Info files contain legend information of geological features. Records in the GEO2096_1.LEG info file are related to feature attributes using the CODE item/field. Values of the LEVEL item/field in the GEO2096_1.LVL info file are related to the LEVEL items in the GEO2096_1.LEG info file. The GEO2096_1.SYM info file list the symbols used for each of the CODE values listed in the GEO2096_1.LEG info file. Abbreviations for GSC Special Characters ---------------------------------------- These abbreviations occur in the values of the item CODE for geological units as well as in the description of geological units in the geological legend info file. Cn - Cenozoic Cb - Carboniferous Qt - Quaternary Dv - Devonian Rc - Recent Sl - Silurian Ps - Pleistocene Od - Ordovician Te - Tertiary Cm - Cambrian Pi - Pliocene Pt - Proterozoic Mi - Miocene Hd - Hadrynian Og - Oligocene Hl - Helikian Ec - Eocene Nh - Neohelikian Pc - Paleocene Ph - Paleohelikian Ng - Neogene Ap - Aphebian Pg - Paleogene Ar - Archean Mz - Mesozoic Ho - Holocene Ct - Cretaceous Na - Neoarchean Jr - Jurassic Pa - Paleoarchean Tr - Triassic Ma - Mesoarchean Pz - Paleozoic Ea - Eoarchean Pr - Permian Np - Neoproterozoic Pn - Pennsylvanian Pp - Paleoproterozoic Ms - Mississippian Mp - Mesoproterozoic Abbreviations are always two letters starting with a capital. A dash separates the special character abbreviation from the rest of the unit reference letters (eg. Mz-g is (Mesozoic)g). Multiple special characters in a unit reference will be strung together as one (eg. (Mesozoic)(Archean)g -> MzAr-g When a dash, comma or slash exists in a unit reference, it is replaced with an underscore (eg. Mz-g, Mz-h -> Mz-g_Mz-h). Age modifiers are a single case sensitive letter that appears before the special character abbreviation (eg. (Late)(Mesozoic)g -> LMz-g l - lower E - early m - middle M - middle u - upper L - late