"You listened to the Ministry. You didn't have much choice, as you were preparing students for the Grade 13 Departmental Examinations." "When I was a student, you could send away to the James Text in Belleville Ontario to get old examinations."" The examinations in the 1930's were comprised of 20 sentences to translate and 2 paragraphs. That was it!" Sample 1930's Exam "The exams started to change between 1942 and 1944. You had the option of choosing the old type (strictly translation) or the new type (comprehension questions, synonyms, antonyms, vocabulary expressions, an 80 word composition and 10 short translations)."
Sample 1940's Exam 1957 was a significant year for French Departmental Examinations. The Department of Education experimented with a Special and a General exam.
French Departmental Examinations underwent a change again in 1962. This year marked the special combined 3-hour examination.
See the General Exam The very last French Departmental Examination was written in 1967, after which all Departmental exams were abolished!
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