The Teacher's Considerations in Developing Pedagogical Content Knowledge

 1. Planning a Learning Environment which Facilitates Talk 

Gordon Wells' Bristol Study of Language Development (1973-1988)
One part of this thorough research project compared the children's language at home and at
school. Wells found that :
   Children talk much less to the adults at school, (five times less);
Two-thirds of home conversations were initiated by the child;
Four-fifths of school conversations were initiated by the teacher;
Teachers asked "display questions" which required single-word answers.
Gordon Wells. The meaning makers: Children learning language and using language to learn.
     (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1986).
   The Role of Teaching in Language Development, (Froese 1997, 70.)
Varied Opportunities for Verbal Interaction, (Froese 1997, Chapter 6.)
The Role of Peer Interaction: Collaborative and Co-operative Pedagogy,
(Froese 1997, 73-75.)
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