1. Encouraging Students' Thinking and Learning 

Bloom's Taxonomy

knows, tells, lists, chooses, recites, names

finds, describes, explains, illustrates, paraphrases, summarizes

shows, uses, classifies, sorts, applies, simulates, models, transfers

analyzes, compares, contrasts, tests, surveys, classifies, sorts

creates, plans, designs, predicts,
imagines, devises

decides, judges, justifies, defends,
solves, debates, infers

 2. Planning an Integrated Curriculum 

Integrated programs must:
1. focus on the achievement of the learning expectations;
2. make connections that are significant and natural- connections should not be forced;
3. emphasize connections between learning experiences and students' backgrounds, daily lives, and future plans;
4. draw on a wide range of resources, including community resources.
 The Common Curriculum: Policies and Outcomes, Grades 1-9,
(Toronto, ON: Ministry of Education and Training, 1995).
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