The Educator: from Philosophical and Curricular Issues to Ongoing Professional Learning

Reflective practice & responding to change
Reflecting on personal and student learning
Strategies for ongoing professional learning
Building effective collegial networks

Guiding Questions:

Given the availability of research into sound practice, why are some teachers resistant to innovations?
How do you best support yourself as a lifelong learner?
Module Readings:
Rich, S. J. (1998). Maintaining and extending professional growth. In Reading
      for meaning in the elementary school, (Ch.8, pp.189-200). Scarborough, 
      ON: ITP Nelson.

Noble, B. (1998). School councils: Lessons learned and a look to
      the future. FWTAO/FAEO Newsletter, (May/June), 26-30.

Text:  Introduction pp. 1 - 17
Chapter 10