Samples of Language Arts Assessment Tools in the Text, Language Across the Curriculum
There are several samples of learning/assessment tools in the text. Many need to be modelled and/or modified for primary-aged students in general. Some tools would need further modifications or delayed/accelerated use in order to meet the needs and abilities of particular primary students.

Oral-Language Checklist pages 144-5
Group Discussions Projects, (student self-reflection) page 147
Public-Speaking Assessment page 148
Students' Summary Sheet - Oral Language page 149
Oral-Language Summary Sheet (teacher's perspective) page 149
Oral language Group Report page 150

Sample Questions about Effectiveness of Program

Are students learning enough?
Is one approach or method more effective than another?
Is one program more effective than another?.
Is there a more effective way for students to learn?
How can materials be modified to meet the diversity of competencies in a class?
How can resources be improved?
How can learning be maximized for all students?
How can all students' culture and language be cultivated to enhance literacy development?
How should student performance be articulated to students, parents, and relevant others?
V. Froese, ed. Language across the curriculum. (Toronto, ON: Harcourt Brace & Company Canada, Ltd., 1997),256