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Module 1 Assignments Collaborative Partnerships

Below is a list of this module's assignments:

Assignment #1 - Caucus Centre: 10%


This centre will provide you with an opportunity to respond to an issue or problem and then to interact with the other students by responding to their entries. Each item will be identified as Module 1.

E-mail me when completed.


Assignment #2 - Taking Sides - Issues in Special Education 25%

Choose one of the scenarios below. Choose 2 articles from your readings or articles from other sources that address the topic you have chosen. Complete a 1 page Double Entry Journal for each.

1. Provide your perspective on one side of the issue (1 typed page)
2. Provide a position for the other position (1 typed page)
3. Provide a position, which would be "in-between", that would provide the best balance (1 typed page)

**You are free to offer your own opinion in you response, but use information from the articles to support your position.

4.When you have completed the paper, complete the reflective log by responding to these statements:
What I learned that swayed my original position on the topic was...
I could help my colleagues learn more about this issue by...
One thing I need to change in my classroom to support this learning would be...

5. Scenarios:

A. Year Round Schooling

If year round education were the traditional school calendar and had been in place for 100 years or more, and if someone came along to suggest a new calendar wherein students were to be educated for only nine months each year with another three months free from organized instruction, would the public allow, or even consider such a calendar?

How would the parents of special needs children feel about this change?

B. The Purpose of Schools

Some educators are concerned that the fundamental purpose of schools - student learning - will be lost if schools broaden their responsibilities. Underlying this concern is the belief that it is not the schools' responsibility to address students' non academic needs. Others are concerned that the increased obligation to serve multiple needs of children will be expected without added resources or personnel.

C. Parent and Family Involvement

Schools should support and nurture parent and family involvement. This is a critical aspect of ensuring that programs provided for special needs children will succeed.

E-mail me

Assignment #3 - Ongoing Contributions to Lessons - 15%

This includes the 16 exercises contained within this module. All assignments for this Module are to be completed and sent by Feb. 04, 2000. To ensure that you have not forgotten any of them they are listed below.

Exercise #1 - Roles of Participants in Collaboration
Exercise #2 - Reflection - Parent Involvement
Exercise #3 - Reflection - Parent Partnerships
Exercise #4 a -Reflection - Collaboratives and Partnerships
Exercise #4b Contacting A Community Agency
Exercise #5 Characteristics of a Well Functioning Team
Exercise #6 Reflection - Teams
Exercise #7 - Web Search - Seven Habits of Highly Effective IEP Teams
Exercise #8 Observation of Teamwork skills
Exercise #9a Reflections - Team Roles
Exercise #9b Reflections - Team Roles
Exercise #10 A Pretest of Communication Skills
Exercise #11 Communication Profile
Exercise #12 Recipe for Better Listening
Exercise #13 Choose one of these articles to read...
Exercise #14 Your Listening I.Q.
Exercise #15 Activity - Non-verbal Communication
Exercise #16 Reflection

Double Entry Journal

Objective Summary & Highlights

Subjective Reflections

1. Author(s), year of publication, title of reading and location/name of the publisher.







2. Full summary of the reading (five or six sentences that someone who hadn’t read it could understand).






Your thoughts on the overall content of the reading.

How did the reading tie in with you experiences, beliefs, philosophy, and prior knowledge?

Have your ideas changed or been confirmed.

3. Three to five thought provoking points or

Quotes from the reading.








Do you agree or disagree with each point?

Are you annoyed, impressed, scared, dazzled or…?

Is there anything more you would like to know about this topic?



4. One question you have.








Why is this question important to you?

What are the implications of the question?




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