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Faculty Of Education

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Marilyn Thain

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E-mail me

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Welcome. It is a pleasure for me to have the opportunity to be the instructor of this interactive web course. As I was met with the challenge of developing it, I reflected on all the changes that have taken place as a result of technology. This course is providing a new experience for you and for me. For those of you who have taken Core 3 there probably is no need for you to read on because now you are so experienced with this mode of learning. For the others who may be new to the course, please read on. My introduction is to help you learn a little about me, and this is followed by providing further information about the course itself.

Throughout my years as an educator I have been afforded many opportunities to learn and to contribute to the profession. My roles have included teacher, resource counselor, consultant, and principal with the former London Board of Education. My experiences as an Education Officer for the Ministry of Education broadened my vision of education.

Presently I instruct the Special Education Specialist Course for the Faculty of Education, UWO, and I continue to work with the Ministry of Education as a member of the Special Education Tribunals.

This winter we are going to deliver this course electronically allowing for an extended classroom beyond the geographic confines of the University of Western Ontario and providing a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week learning environment. This model of delivery will provide you with flexibility, without sacrificing meaningful content or the chance to discuss what you learn with colleagues. As busy professionals you will have the opportunity to develop your knowledge and skills at a time that fits your schedule.

Since this is the first time it is being offered in this manner, there may be a few 'glitches' along the way. However, as we work together I am confident these problems will be easily resolved and we all will have a great learning experience. I look forward to meeting you!

For those of you who are taking Core 4 only, please e-mail me an introduction of yourself: Along with the usual identifying information such as name, current teaching role, and School Board, please let me know why you are taking this course and what you hope to learn from it. If you wish to add personal information which tells me more about you, please do.

E-mail me


EPE 13 Special Education Specialist - Core 4. Leadership in the Education of Exceptional Students (Core 4)

Course Overview

I want to share with you through this course my fascination with the whole concept of leadership and how each one of us can make a difference in education for the benefit of the students of the future. In this course, leadership is defined primarily in terms of the ability to bring needed changes in classrooms and schools to better serve our students.

Educators who take this course have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of leadership in special education and to enhance their skills and abilities for advocating for the best possible services for students.

Team productivity gets a major boost when you access the caucus site. It will give you a centralized easy way to keep up to date, share information and collaborate on documents and projects. It gives students many opportunities to communicate with other students who are taking this course. Sometimes we enjoy working alone at our own pace, but we also like to share ideas with others. When you enter this centre you will find opportunities to engage in dialogue about particular topics corresponding to the modules. This is indeed an opportunity for electronic collaborative learning.

Group participation is also encouraged since since collaboration and community building are an integral part of successful class learning environments.. Group work can be done on the Caucus Centre, with others in the class, via e-mail or real time. Peers in the school can also add depth and interest as part of the learning community.

It is organized into two modules with each module having a series of sub-topics called 'Strands'. These two modules help establish a framework within which we provide special education services. The idea of 'teacher leader' is woven throughout the course. To enable an involvement in the learning process, you will find exercises associated with each strand. Once you have completed them you will e-mail them to me.


Module 1 - Collaborative Partnerships takes a look at the concept of working together to achieve better results. Special Education is one area where collaboration is integral to problem solving and finding solutions to the many challenges special educators face. The sub-topics of teams, parent partnerships, communication strategies and conflict management are included in this Module.

Module 2 - Inclusive Schools provides opportunities to apply the principles of learning and teaching and effective schools to the building of an inclusive school. It will include considerations in developing a classroom/school with a continuum of services ranging from community building and inclusion to very specialized individual learning needs.

Course Outcomes

The content of the course and the learning opportunities within will expand your knowledge base and address personal and process skills. In addition students will have opportunities to navigate the net, gaining course based and supplementary information through competent net conferencing and net surfing.

The following are the course outcomes.

Required Reading Materials

For those taking only Core 4 a book of Readings will be available called "Leadership In The Education of Exceptional Students". This may be purchased through the University Book Store. All other necessary course material is available on the web.


Assignments will be conducted on-line and will include exercises built into the lessons,

The course contains numerous activities, usually with process learning and product or content intertwined. Some material will be review for students, other assignments will present challenges and new insights. It is important for each student to feel free to get the most value and information from each module by sculpting activities, and readings to personal needs.

These assignments will be clearly outlined but if there is a need to seek clarification it is important to e-mail me and seek clarification.
Final grades will be assigned based on completed assignments and will be consistent with the University of Western Ontario's evaluation policies. This class will underscore personal responsibility for education.

Continuity is important in a web course. Therefore, all students will be expected to maintain regular web contact. The course is meant to be asynchronous, so in the event of a protracted absence, please contact the instructor Marilyn Thain .
After all, this material suggests that teacher student relationships are invaluable, and I wish to extend that community building, even in an external learning environment.

Browsing Tips

For this site Module 1 Strand A1=M1 SA1, Module 1 Strand A2=M1 SA2, etc...
The Overview Map provides a summary of links for this site.
Each Module contains a brief introductory page (M1 Intro...) .

© Web Design UWO Faculty of Education