Introduction to Plant Design Safety

(CBE 317)

University Of Western Ontario

Department of Chemical and Bio Chemical Engineering



Professor M.A. Bergougnou


Course Outline

Invited Lecturers

Lecture 1:

Note: To read .ppt files, Microsoft PowerPoint is required. To read .xls files, Microsoft Excel is required.

(1.1) Rah Introduction (.ppt file)

(1.2) Introduction to Safety (.ppt file)

(1.3) Reference Material (.xls file)

(1.4) Development of a Capital Project (.ppt file)

(1.5) Flammable Hazard v1.2 Flixborough (.xls file)

(1.5) Flixborough Slides (.ppt file)

(1.6a) Line Sizing Slides (.ppt file)

(1.6b) Compressors Slides (.ppt file)

The Enthalpy Chart (.ppt file)

Skikda Algiers

Chongqing China

Cyclone Lecture (Note: 4.9mb File size)

Gas Distributors or Grids