Women's Health Abroad

The concept of women travelers is not new, however, the information age is. All women are active users of today's technology, especially travelers. Electronic mail, Internet websites and global communication are all becoming important venues for women travelers to access information about places to go, things to see and people to meet. There is a plethora of information available to every kind of traveler. The specific information that I am interested in are health precautions and concerns for the female traveler. Upon searching the Internet for information that is both current and accurate I was disappointed. I was only able to find bits and pieces of relevant information and links after time consuming labour intensive searches. Following is a compilation of information of three major topics, immunizations, medical kits and health insurance. In addition, I will also address the issue of, and provide suggestions for, the lack of easily accessible health specific information for female travelers.

Immunization is probably the best precautionary action to take for traveling abroad. An ideal process to approach the situation is to research the planned area. Travel destinations in broad geographic groups like continent and climate tend to have similar contagious diseases. However, the best method to prepare for the onslaught of potential illness in any area is to ensure relevant vaccinations are up to date, and to be aware of the risk level of infection for contagious diseases in the travel destination areas. There are many places where contagious disease is in epidemic proportions and are fatal to the unprotected. There is one site in particular, http://my.webmd.com/content/dmk/dmk_article_40084 ,with an easy to read chart of contagious diseases, along with treatments and locations of them, however, this site may not be updated as often as http://www.who.int/emc/diseases/index.html and http://www.cdc.gov/travel/ . These two sites offer information from the World Health Organization and the United States Contagious Disease Centre that is both very current and accurate. They are fairly easy to navigate, and house a wealth of information on the particular contagious diseases of nearly any given area. Along with this information and a visit to a physician, immunization and vaccination concerns and worries should be alleviated

Another important aspect of traveling is what to have on hand in a medical kit. There are a number of sites that have long lists of recommended items to pack incase of a medical emergency. All of the items listed are beneficial, however, sometimes not every one of the recommended items are needed. It is for this reason that research of the area of travel would be the best preparation. Among the lists of recommended items, there is very little mention of sanitary supplies. Many of the sites do not address the problems of accessibility to sanitary supplies and also do not give suggestions on how to pack them. There are a few sites for women solely where sanitary supplies are mentioned, and kudos are given to various women who have managed to pack them, but there is no explanation of exactly how those women accomplished the feat. There are also a few sites specifically for women who make recommendations about what kind of sanitary supplies are easier to pack, but it seems to be a trial and error process. At a few of the general traveler information sites, sanitary napkins are mentioned but for different reasons: the great absorbency power for the absorption of blood from deep cuts and lacerations! The other items listed that would not necessarily be found in commercial first aid kits were forms of medication for combating nausea, diarrhoea and other preventative measures like anti-malarial tablets. Many of the other items listed as important like, band-aids, scissors, tape, acetaminophen or ibuprofen, are standard in comparison to any commercial first aid kit. The site which had the one of the most useful lists of important items to bring was http://www.journeywoman.com/journeydoctor/default.html , and one of the few sites that touched on the topic of sanitary supplies abroad was http://www.medicineplanet.com/women/women.phtml .

The third major topic addressed at many traveler sites with a health component is health insurance. There are few things that tend to be overlooked when planning trips and this is one of them. Due to the various potential health risks in the many regions of the world it is highly advisable that health insurance is obtained. It would be a very unpleasant situation to be denied appropriate or sufficient medical treatment en route. It is important to note the restrictions on various activities outlined in the various plans offered by the insurance company. It is often reported that travel health insurance is difficult to understand and nearly impossible to decide which plan to purchase. Travel agents often know which companies have the best prices, however, it is important to read the fine print and make sure that the coverage will be suitable for all planned adventures because not all plans cover moderate to extreme risk activities. It is also important to decide on a plan that will pay the health care system directly or not, requiring that money be paid up front with a reimbursement claim upon arrival home. The monetary value of health care can be quite expensive in some areas. Health insurance is an aspect of travel that is best addressed weeks before the departure time. The two best sites I found information on health insurance and links to health insurance companies were www.journeywoman.com/journeydoctor/default.htm/ and www.lonelyplanet.com.au/health/. Overall there were some sites that offered specific area health advice like pbs.org/hitchikingvietnam/travel/index.html where the female author of the site covers all the aspects of her journey especially the problems and highlights. Some sites only offered minimal female health advice but supplied other links and other types of advice www.lonelyplanet.com.au/health/.

My main concern for this assignment was to find a wealth of information about health concerns for women, and compile it into an easy to read document with links to other similar and useful sites. However, the wealth of information about health concerns specifically for women simply was not there. I was hoping to combine primary health information like the above about immunizations, medical kits and health insurance with supplemental health information like sanitary supply accessibility, sexual assault coping tactics and safety concerns and precautions. However, the information that I found was just primary information that is applicable to any traveler regardless of sex. There were few sites that offered information in terms of secondary concerns. Many sites classified pregnancy as traveling with special needs along with other chronic diseases and traveling with children. Also many sites only mentioned condoms and other forms of contraception under the 'Women's Health' section. I can only speculate the reasons why this information was presented in this manner, and under these topics. It seems to be the most beneficial method to present this information in an easily accessible manner is all in one health specific site. It would make sense to have a group of female health care professionals provide information that pertains to specific female health issues and concerns for traveling abroad. The best method of conveying knowledge valuable to female travelers is to have easily accessible networks of information set up so that personal stories and anecdotes about specific health issues can be shared among interested female travelers.

It is possible that all of this information is available already through non-mainstream venues. To me it seems impractical to not have valuable health information accessible through mainstream venues when interest in traveling our global village is skyrocketing. Hopefully as information becomes more accessible the autonomy created by traveling will become more attractive to women of all backgrounds, which in turn will increase the availability of information causing a reciprocal and symbiotic relationship beneficial to every traveler.

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