The Magic Realist Novel in the Americas (Fall term: 2003)This course will trace the evolution of magic realism from the phenomenological marvelous realism of Carpentier's The Kingdom of this World (1948) to its deconstruction in King's Green Grass, Running Water. (1993) Topics for discussion will include the relation of magic realism to social realism (Garcia Marquez), romance (Esquival), and other literary forms such as fantasy and the baroque, as well as in relation to such critical and historical contexts as feminism (Allende), and post-colonialism (Harris, and Vargas Llosa).Allende, Isabel Chile The House of Spirits Bantam Carpentier, Alejo Cuba The Kingdom of this World Noonday Press Esquival, Laura Mexico Like Water for Chocolate Bantam Garcia Marquez, G Colombia One Hundred Years Of Solitude Harper Perennial Harris, Wilson Guyana Palace of the Peacock Faber & Faber King, Thomas Canada Green Grass, Running Water Harper Perennial Vargas Llosa
Peru The Storyteller