Lexia 12


What made Miriam nervous, above all, was her being a frog. Especially in modern times. She used to think about it a lot when she was young. However as time went by she gradually gave up thinking, being afraid that thinking all the time would somehow make the others aware of her thoughts. She was told once, by a strange old fellow that her name, Miriam, had some romantic, lyrical sonority, he claimed he was a musician and therefore knew all about it, he added that she looked like some movie star from the late fifties and suddenly left. Miriam, was first very much pleased with this idea of romance and lyric, but she very strongly suspected the guy was drunk.

Modern times make things very bad for frogs. First there aren’t a lot of princes left anymore, and then, if by chance one of them comes to her, he would be ineluctably surrounded by journalists, cameras, and bodyguards; so it is not fun at all, anymore. She decided to become a feminist. It was precisely at this moment that she was distracted from her thoughts by the delicate sound of footsteps. She turned her head 380 degrees and saw a very well dressed and very good looking gentleman, smiling and walking towards her. At that time she did not know yet that the gentleman was called Maxim, that the entire Paris was infested by rumors about Maxim being gay and that he was the Prince of French Cuisine. Her journey had begun.

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