Lexia 6


Of course, his story was a sad one, as she had heard it:

Once upon a time, there were two brothers who were as different in temperament as they were in appearance. One was tall and fair, while the other was short and dark. The former lived a life where every sensual experience was indulged, while the latter searched incessantly for spiritual fulfillment. They grew apart as they grew set in their ways. By middle age, they hardly spoke. Their differences came to a head one evil night when the family had gathered together to discuss the division of their recently deceased father’s estate. The ensuing argument resolved that neither could be in the same house with the other. The following day each brother left the house in his own fashion. The first caught the next train back to the city, and so left materially. The other, convinced by the sharp argument of a carving knife, gave up the ghost, and so left spiritually.

Of course the newspapers had reported these calumnious events with an ill disposition towards the first brother’s early departure. He cannot go anywhere in his home country without some (according to his mind) spurious accusations haunting his footsteps. That was why he was here.

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