Population active | employable population |
Population inactive | unemployed population |
Retraités | retired people |
Population active occupée | number of employed |
Population active non occupée | unemployed population of an employable age |
Chômeurs | unemployed ; jobless |
Emploi | job ; employment |
Compétitivité | competitiveness |
Compétitive | competitive |
Concurrence | competition |
Part de marché | market share |
Taux de chômage | unemployment rate/ratio |
Scolarité | schooling; education |
Retraite | retirement |
Service militaire | military service |
Durée hebdomadaire du travail | weekly working hours |
Jours fériés | legal holiday |
Congés payés | paid holiday; vacation with pay |
Heures supplémentaires | overtime work |
Taux d'absentéisme | rate of absenteeism |
Grèves | strikes |
Contrat de travail | employment contract |
Rupture | termination |
Salaire | salary; wage |
Feuille de paie | payroll statement ; pay slip |
Conditions de travail | working conditions |
L'aménagement du poste de travail | office accomodation ; working facilities |
Climat social | social climate |
Syndicats | unions |
Formation initiale | basic training ; basic education |
Formation continue | continuing education |
Chômeur/Chômeuse | unemployed ; jobless |
Un(e) sans-emploi | unemployed ; jobless |
Demandeur/demandeuse d'emploi | job seeker |
En baisse | decreasing |
En hausse | increasing |
Embauche (de travailleurs) | employment ; recruitment (of workers) |
Main-d'œuvre | labor |
Automatisation | automation |
Licencier | to dismiss ; to discharge |
Marché du travail | job market |
Charges sociales | social deductions ; social costs |
Incite à | encourages to |
Délocaliser | relocate |
A l'étranger | abroad |
Pouvoirs publics | the authorities |
Engager | hire; employ; recruit |
Chômeurs de longue durée | long term unemployed |
Stages (en entreprise) | internship (in a company) |
S'insérer | to integrate |
Se réinsérer | to reintegrate |
L'indemnité de chômage | unemployment benefits |
Allocation | support payment ; allowance |
Affiliation | the fact of being a member |
Cotisations (sociales) | social security contributions |
A temps partiel | part-time |
A temps plein | full time |
vacants | open; unfilled (position) |
Hebdomadaire | weekly |
Réduction du temps de travail | reduction of working hours |
Seuil | treshold |
Heures supplémentaires | Overtime hours |
Charges patronales | employer's share of social security contribution |
Salarié | salararied employee; wage earner |
Repos | rest |
Jour ouvrable | working day (as opposed to a legal holiday) |
Jour ouvré | a day when you work |
Par roulement | by shifts |
Clauses obligatoires | mandatory standard terms and conditions of employment |
Clauses particulières | company-specific terms and conditions of employement |
Facultatives | optional |
Signataires | those signing; the signatories |
Convention collective | collective agreement |
Période d'essai | trial period |
Préavis | term of notice |
Mutation | transfer |
Démission | resignation |
A l'issue de | at the end of |
Ancienneté | seniority |
Accident du travail | occupational injury; work-related accident |
Congé de maternité | maternity leave |
Congé sabbatique | unpaid leave; sabbatical; educational leave of absence |
Grève | strike |
Mesure disciplinaire | disciplinary measures |
Manquement | violation |
Règlement intérieur de l'entreprise | rules and regulations of a company |
avertissement | warning |
blâme | reprimand |
mise à pied | suspension from work |
mutation | transfer |
rétrogradation | demotion |
licenciement | termination |
Chômage technique | technological unemployment |
Incendie | fire |
Résiliation | termination |
Démission | resignation |
Licenciement | firing; dismissal |
Contrat à durée déterminée | limited contract; term contract |
Contrat à durée indéterminée | open-ended contract |
Contrat de travail temporaire | temporary work contract |
A temps partiel | part-time |
Travail précaire | unsteady work; insecure employment |
Niveau | level |
Effectifs | employees; personnel |
Montée du chômage | rise of unemployment |
Conjoncture économique | economic situation |
Mondialisation | globalisation |
Recours (avoir recours à) | to have recourse to; to resort to |
Sous-traitance | subcontracting |
Télétravail | work at home (telecommute) |
Salaire mensuel | monthly salary/wage |
Croissance | growth |
Indice mensuel des prix à la consommation | monthly consumer price index |
Ménages | households |
Taux horaire | hourly rate |
Salaire horaire | hourly wage |
Salaire brut | gross pay |
Organismes sociaux | government agencies dealing with health and retirement insurance, family allowance funds and unemployment insurance |
Prélèvements obligatoires | obligatory social deductions |
Retenues salariales | employee's share of social security contribution |
Salaire net imposable | taxable income |
Le droit | the right (to do something) |
Désaccord | disagreement |
Moyen de pression | the means to put pressure on something/somebody |
Revendications | demands |
Réduction d'effectifs | reduction of personnel |
Aboutir à | to lead to |
Préavis | term of notice |
Non-grévistes | personnel not on strike |
Syndicats | trade unions; labor unions |
Assocation à but non lucratif | non profit organisation |
Ouvrier (travailleur manuel) | blue-collar worker; labourer |
Se syndiquer | to unionize; join a union |
Délégués syndicaux | union representatives |
Taux de syndicalisation | number of union members |
Adhérents | members |
Apprentissage | apprenticeship |
Sur le tas | on the job/on-site training |
Apprentis | trainees; apprentices |
Ouvriers non qualifiés | unskilled workers |
Ouvriers qualifiés | skilled workers |
Agent de maîtrise | supervisor; foreman; control agent |
Employés | employees |
Intérimaires | temporary personnel; "temp" |
Stagiaires | interns |
Cadres moyens | middle managers |
Cadres supérieurs | senior executives; senior managers |
Recensement | census |
Artisans | craftsmen |
Professions libérales | the professions; professional people |
Instituteurs | primary school teachers |
Chef d'entreprise | Company manager; company director |
Convoquer quelqu'un à | to invite somebody to; to covene |
Stages (de formation) | (training) seminar/courses |
Avantages sociaux | social benefits |
Actualiser | to update |
Informatique | computer science; "about computers" |
Masse salariale | payroll |
Crédit d'impôt | tax credit |