Moyens financiers | financial means |
Capitaux | capital |
Propriétaires | owners |
Prêté(s) | lent |
Créanciers | creditors |
Biens de production | producer goods |
Bâtiments | buildings |
Installations | facilities |
Disposer de qqch | to have sth at one's disposal |
Fournir | supply |
Ménages | households |
Biens de consommation courante | daily consumer goods |
Biens d'équipement | durable goods |
Appareils électroménagers | household appliances |
Matières premières | raw materials |
Produits intermédiaires | semi-finished goods |
Biens d'équipement professionnel | capital goods |
Fondateur | founder |
Démarrer | to start |
Bénéfices | profits |
Fournisseurs | suppliers |
Faillite | bankruptcy |
Grossiste | wholesaler |
Détaillant | retailer |
Fournisseur | supplier |
Assureur | insurer |
Organisateur de salons | trade fair organiser |
Publicitaire | advertising executive; ad man |
Cotiser | to contribute |
Cotisation | contribution to social security |
Embaucher | to hire |
Déposer | to make a deposit |
Prêter | to lend |
Ramassage des ordures | garbage collection |
Chiffre d'affaires | sales revenue |
Capital social | registered capital |
Valeur ajoutée | added value |
Entreprise individuelle | sole proprietorship |
Société à nom collectif | partnership |
Société à responsabilité limitée | limited partnership |
Société anonyme | corporation |
Actionnaire | shareholder |
Dettes | debts |
Part sociale | share in a private (limited) company |
Assemblée générale | general assembly |
Taux de change | exchange rate |
Action | share |
Président directeur-général (PDG) | chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Conseil d'administration | board of directors |
Directeur général | CEO; general manager ; managing director |
Directoire | management board |
Appel public à l'épargne | public issue (of shares) |
Coter (une société) en Bourse | to list (a company) on the Stock Exchange |
Voix | a vote |
Eleveurs | stock breeder ; cattle farmer |
Rentabiliser | to make profitable |
Produits laitiers | dairy products |
Etre coté(e) | to be listed |
Bourse | Stock Exchange |
Établissement public | public body |
Enseignement | education |
Santé | health ; healthcare |
Actionnaire majoritaire | majority shareholder |
Directeur commercial | commercial manager ; marketing director ; marketing manager ; merchandising director ; sales manager |
Service des études | design department ; brainroom |
Ateliers | workshops |
Dessinateurs (industriels) | industrial designers |
Comptable | accountant |
Aide-comptable | accountant assistant ; bookkeeper |
Dactylo | secretary |
Service des approvisionnements | procurement ; purchasing departement |
Gestion des stocks | stock management |
Magasinier | warehouse supervisor |
Chef des achats | head of procurement ; purchasing manager |
Société d'import-export | Import-export company |
Fabriquer | to manufacture |
Sous-traiter | to subcontract |
Sous-traitant | subcontractor |
Agence d'intérim | temp agency |
Cadres moyens | middle managers |
Cadres supérieurs | senior managers |
Chasseurs de têtes | headhunters |
Comptabilité | accounting |
Factures | invoices |
Règlement | payment ; settlement |
Bilan | balance sheet |
Facturation | invoicing |
Actif | assets |
Actif immobilisé | fixed assets |
Actif circulant | current or floating assets |
Créances | debt ; dues |
Passif | liabilities |
Tiers | outsider ; third party |
Equilibré | balanced |
Grossistes | wholesalers |
Entrepôt | warehouse |
Fabricant | manufacturer |
Meubles | furniture |
Vernis | varnish |
Colle | glue |
Quincaillerie | hardware |
Tarif dégressif | quantity discount |
Délais de livraison | lead times |
Approvisionner | to supply |
Approvisionnments | supplies ; procurement |
Rupture de stock | stock shortage ; to be out of stock |
Rupture de contrat | a breach of contract |
Annuler la commande | to cancel the order |
Passer une commande | to place an order |
Inventaire | inventory |
Entrepôt | warehouse |
Magasiniers | warehouse supervisor |
Maintenir qqch à jour | to keep sth updated |
Publicité | advertising |
Après-vente | after sales |
Mettre en œuvre | to implement |
Le cas échéant | should the occasion arise |
Tendances | trends |
Créneau | niche |
Cibler | to target |
Segmenter | to segment |
Sondages d'opinion | opinion polls |
Facettes | aspects |
Ligne de produits | line of product |
Gamme | a product range |
Haut de gamme | top-of-the-line; upscale |
Bas de gamme | bottom end of the market |
Marque | brand |
Conditionnement | packaging |
Politique | des prix pricing policy |
Prix coûtant | cost price |
Prix de revient | cost price |
Frais | expenses |
Frais généraux | overheads |
Marge bénéficiaire | profit margin |
Acheminement | forwarding (of goods) |
Circuits de distribution | distribution channels |
Publicitaire | advertising manager |
Annonceur | advertiser |
Supports publicitaires | advertising medium ; advertising vehicle |
Spot publicitaire | commercial on TV |
Dépliants | leaflets ; brochures |
Echantillons | samples |
Défi | challenge |
Campagne publicitaire | advertising campaign |
Bases de données | databases |
Filiale | subsidiary |
Fiché | to be on file |
Fusions | mergers |
Comportement | behavior |
Logiciels | computer software |
Susceptible de | to be likely to |
Mensongère | deceptive ; misleading |
Seuil | treshold |
Bibliothèque du Congrès | Library of Congress |
Exploitation | daily operation |
Amortissements | depreciation ; amortization |
Rentable | profitable |
En plaçant | by investing |
Capitaux propres | owned capital ; equity capital |
Capitaux empruntés | loan capital |
Autofinancement | self-financing |
Bénéfices | profits |
Emet (émettre) | issues (to issue) |
Actions | stocks |
Subvention | subsidy |
Emprunt | loan |
Au terme du prêt | when the loan is due |
Solvable | solvent |
Obligations | bonds |
Loue (louer) | rents (to rent) |
Location | renting; rental |
Dépôt de bilan | bankrupttcy file |
Dissolution | breaking-up ; winding-up |
Liquidation | liquidation; settlement in bankruptcy proceedings ; winding-up by decision of court |
Etre racheté(e) | to be taken over ; to be bought up |
Redresser | to turn around ; to adjust |
Absorption | acquisition |
Augmentation du capital | capital gain ; capital increase |
Prise de participation | minority shareholding |
Filialisation | creation of a subsidiary |
Prise de contrôle | majority shareholding |
Groupe | conglomerate |
Réseaux | networks |
Société holding | holding company |
Parts de marché | market share |
Economies d'échelle | economies of scale |
Marques | brands |
Concurrent | competitor |
Sous-traitance | subcontracting |
Gardiennage | guarding ; security service |
Scission | demerger |
Entente | price-fixing (or other restrictive practices) |
Attentes | expectations |
Syndicats | trade unions |
Moyennant | in return for |
Versement | payment |
Exercice fiscal | taxyear |
Sociétés de fiducie | trust compagnies |
Coopératives d'épargne et de crédit | credit unions |
Courtiers | brokerage firms |
Cabinets de comptables | accounting firms |
Avocats | lawyers |
Commerce de détail | retailer |
Fabrication | manufacturing |
Technologie de pointe | state-of-the-art technology ; high-tech |
Marché porteur | growth market |
Rapport qualité/prix | value |
Fardeau fiscal | tax burden |
Société d'économie mixte | mixed ownership company |